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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The secret word is Hutchison Whampoa

Excuse me.
Did I miss something at the previous white-guy-secret-meeting?
Apparently, everyone but the Bush administration missed a lot of things.
Too busy thumbing the thesaurus for 'quagmire', I guess.
A United Arabs Emirates based company, Dubai Ports World purchased Peninsular & Oriental Steam. The British P & O company ran major commercial operations at ports in Baltimore, Miami, New Jersey, New Orleans, New York and Philadelphia. Now, all these North American ports are to be managed by an Arabian 'ally' outfit rubber stamped by GW's administration.

There's nothing wrong with foreign companies running ports. It's done all over the world. The most notable to North Americans is the Hutchison Whampoa Co.
A communist Chinese company.
Thanks to a deal brokered by the Carter administration and implemented by the Clinton administration, H & W controls most of the world's ship cargo through the Panama canal. It also controls ports in the Netherlands & China with substantial interests in England and now, Russia. Attempts at inroads into the East Indian shipping market have failed as did H & W's attempt last year to buy Peninsular and Oriental which left the door open to Dubai Ports World to purchase. This is a communist Chinese company, folks. Everyone seems to be ok with that. But there is a lot of stink & confusion about GW's current toe jam. An Arab company, not an Arab government, running American ports just ain't good P.R., GW. Did someone mention homeland security?
Of course, there are always differing opinions.

I have this awful vision of Ann Richards all those years ago at the DNC convention going, 'Purr George. He kaint hepp it....his timing sucks!' Or something like that. Let it go, Mr. President. Wait until March madness when no one is looking.
Timing is everything.

Remember, the secret word is 'hutchison whampoa'.