Search engine giant axes another news page, calls terrorism discussion 'hate content'.
Search engine giant Google has cut off its news relationship with a number of online news publications that include frank discussions of radical Islam.
When Google News launched its beta site in April 2002, it said its mission was to construct an unbiased news engine free of human intervention using new methods of aggregating news from sources worldwide.

According to the April Nielsen/NetRatings report, 49 percent of all searches conducted in the U.S. in March 2006 were carried out on Google.
Along with the dropping of conservative news providers, Google has received other complaints of liberal bias.
Want previous examples?
Google map says Taiwan part of China
Google blocks ad for anti-Clinton book
I'm sure if someone dug deep enough they would find that goggle particpated in that U.N. hypocricy of wiping Israel off the map.
I got yer google right here, buddy!
PS: If this hack's blog disappears for mysterious reasons, you'll know why.
like anybody would care. ha!