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Monday, June 05, 2006

I feel pretty. Oh, so pretty

Actually, I think it all very ugly.
As many of my admirers are fond of pointing out: I am nothing if not fair, gentle & open minded. ha! As proof of that, I have a selection of rabidly foaming leftist utopians who are grotesquely animated by their venomous hatred of all things republican in general and all things GWBush in particular. Facts, figures, common sense, a perspective on history and the fact that war is sometimes a necessary evil is lost on them. I'm sure glad I don't live in a moonbats world with all things nefarious, pointless & hopeless.

I don't mind the political dissent and discussion with-in our own house. What fans my flames is that these moonbats proudly proclaim this seething rift for all the world to scrutinize. These moonbats seem to neither know nor care that the enemy reads this sentiment in the global wind. It aids and comforts the enemy as our soldiers fight. Treason? No. Sedition? Maybe. Disloyalty and disrespect to be sure. But, then, they have not really sacrificed anything, have they.

THE 10,000th HADITHA by Ted Rall
NEW YORK--Months after Time magazine reported that U.S. Marines had carried out a My Lai-style massacre of at least two dozen innocent Iraqi civilians, the average "support our troops" American is waking up and smelling the butchery.
As usual, the U.S. government tried to cover up the mass murder--it initially claimed that the victims were blown up by an insurgent IED. But, as Time reported in March, the "civilians who died in Haditha on Nov. 19 were killed not by a roadside bomb but by the Marines themselves, who went on a rampage in the village after the attack, killing 15 unarmed Iraqis in their homes, including seven women and three children." As at My Lai, the bloodlust was not easily sated. "The raids took five hours and left at least 23 people dead."
So far reaction to Haditha has been the reverse of what you might expect. Republicans and other pro-war types are running around like it's the end of the world.
(I think you mean moonbats)

A Note From a Friend in Baghdad by Stephen Elliott.
I got a note from a friend today. An American who works in Baghdad and does not want his identity revealed. He says women are being kidnapped and killed for the clothes they wear. He says women are being hunted. The country is in chaos. People are mourning the loss of Saddam Hussein, convinced things were better before.
It's an awful thing to think, that things might have been better under a murderous dictator. But it seems to be accepted wisdom among the diplomats. And even if it isn't true, still, if it is close enough that a sizable percentage could think it, then we have failed miserably.
We have failed miserably in Iraq. We have tortured prisoners in Abu Ghraib, murdered civilians in Haditha. We turned our backs on the Geneva Accords and American values, promising to build democracy in the Middle East, and received only a failed state in return.
I wanted to go to Iraq at the end of this month, frustrated by the lack of available information on the conflict.

If the peculiar ability to accept only rosy scenarios and optimistic forecasts about Iraq was limited to armchair hawks, it would hardly matter. But that same intentional blindness permeated the White House, the
Pentagon and the ranks of neo-conservative cheerleaders in the months before the invasion. More than anything else, the unwillingness to hear even thoughtful criticism from military experts led to the bungled preparations and inept strategies that have left Iraq on the brink of civil war.

By now, even President Bush has been forced to peek out of his protective bubble into the reality-based universe. In late May, standing beside British Prime Minister
Tony Blair -- both men politically battered by the continuing chaos in Iraq -- Bush acknowledged mistakes in tone, apologizing for the cowboy rhetoric he had used in the early months of the war. He also admitted that the
Abu Ghraib abuses have tarnished our image abroad.

Hayden Confirmed! OMG OMG! by Wonkette.
Michael Hayden has been confirmed! Holy '''' ! This Friday is FULL OF SURPRISES!
The lesson is an important one: You can be an idiotic middle-manager mother ''''' er who’s personally responsible for an overreaching and very possibly criminal domestic spying program, while also being so lousy at this spy '''' that you’re caught by USA TODAY, fer chrissakes, and none of that is any impediment to running, more or less without oversight, the most powerful intelligence agency in the world.
What a great day to be an American!
(I think that was sarcasm on her part.)

Well, boys n girls.
That is about all I can stomach from our fellow countrymen right now. It is time to take a hot shower and wash this slime off me.