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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.

How do you hide 30,000 people? If they are pro-Israel and anti-fascist, then they can hide in plain sight - right in front of the U.N. building! Powerline has more. In this information age, I found this most disturbing:

My guess is you never read or heard about the rally. The story Scot Silverstein sent us is from JTA, a Jewish news service. Scot writes:

A Google news search on "Israel rally UN" or similar terms only brings back a few hits, mostly from Jewish agencies.

This is stunning and deserves some attention. From an information science perspective it is as clear evidence of world news media collusion and bias as any.

Try the search yourself and see what (doesn't) happen.

Atlas Shrugs even has pictures and a vid on you tube of the whole affair.

Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.