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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

And now, something completely different

I have admitted it before - I am the first loud mouth to blow off steam against the islamo-fascists and their riots, violence and murder spurred by even the slightest perception of critism against their kind. So when a concerned moderate Muslim appears in public and on video condemning the radicals and their outbursts, I have to applaud him for his courage and highlight it here.

While I disagree that there was a "clear condemnation of the attacks by Muslims" his point must be recognized: there are some in the Muslim community that will place themselves in jeopardy and stand to be counted as those opposed to this violence.

Ok, maybe he is a tool of CAIR, but I am feeling generous this morning. Does anyone else have an example of this type of public denouncement?

Do moderate Muslims act loudly & decisively to condemn violent radicals in their ranks?
Yes, but it doesn't get reported.
Sometimes, but they need to make greater effort.
No, they are fearful of retribution.
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