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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Thoughts on the unborn

While cleaning out my files, I came across this letter. I wrote this letter back in Aug., 2005 to the editor of a local newspaper. I thought it worth publishing here.

I have so many thoughts on this subject; not just
the embryonic stem cell research but on the question of
'shouldn't we be harvesting the frozen embryos that
would otherwise be destroyed through un-use?'

Your question is wrong headed. The true question
should be, "How can we, as a civilized society, reduce
our children's first inkling of life down to a frozen
bio-mass storage unit to be utilized according to its
owner's pragmatic decision for best use?"

Shouldn't life be sacred? Shouldn't life be viewed
as more than flesh and blood? More than just body
parts to be manipulated? This world is imperfect and
sickness and death are part of the package. This is a
tragic reality but let us not contribute to the
default misery by sacraficing our children in a
sterile scientic farming machine. Unplug the machine
and end this machiavellian nightmare to genetically
dominate those who have no voice.

Hoodie John Crow