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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Speaking of swine and vermin

Overlawyered has this week's catalog of the high cost of our legal system:

*In Canada, obese passengers are entitled to have two airline seats for the price of one. Huh?
*Also in Canada, Ezra Levant defends his free speech rights over his republication of the Danish Muhammed cartoons.
*Alleged car-keying attorney (and all round douche) J. Grodner, is now under investigation by the state's Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission.
*Playboy trolls gutters even further with parasite portrait of nude lawyer & advice columnist, 23 y.o. Corri Fetman.
*Wesley Snipes is on trial for tax evasion. Excuse me, but you're a multi millionaire, pal!
*And schadenfreude extraordinaire presents! parasites go to prison! Paul Minor, hot shot Mississippi lawyer & politico wanna be, starts his 11 year sentence for bribery convictions. Two former judges convicted in the case, John Whitfield and Wes Teel, drew sentences of 110 months and 70 months respectively.