FOX network fined for 'sexual' show. Way to go with the 'family values', FOX!
The Married By America program, which aired in 2003, included a topless woman straddling a man, whipped cream being licked off one woman's bare chest and an underwear-clad man being spanked by two female strippers.Sorry dipsticks. The FCC is right. If you want promote and show that kinda crap, go buy a 'entertainment' cable outlet. Now, if these geniuses at the FCC would target springer's daily pervert circus, and the corrosive soft porn soaps, and the soul sucking banks/oprah maudlin shows, the airwaves would be even more sanitary.
The Federal Communications Commission said it would fine each of 13 Fox stations $US7000 ($7600) for an April 2003 episode.
Fox said it "strongly disagrees with the commission's conclusions".