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Monday, February 04, 2008

A history of disfunction

Reason number 463 to vote SCHOOL VOUCHERS.

For decades critics of the public schools have been saying, "You can't solve educational problems by throwing money at them." The education establishment and its supporters have replied, "No one's ever tried." In Kansas City they did try - and failed.

The Kansas City Missouri school district is a disaster by any measure. Like all government school systems in this nation, it's a monopoly funded by taxpayer dollars with little or no recourse for parents or students if the system fails - unless the family can afford the additional funds for private schooling. Out of the question for the majority of families.

Since the mid-1980s, when a fascist Federal Judge named Russell Clark usurped legislative authority to command the tax payers pour 2 billion dollars into the district to desegregate, build 15 new schools, renovated 54 others, implement magnet programs, raise teachers salaries, and hire new administrators over the span of 13 years, at a cost of $11,700 per pupil--more money per pupil, on a cost of living adjusted basis, than any other of the 280 largest districts in the country, the district has continued to self-destruct into a deadly, still un-accredited disaster. This judicial larceny further eroded people's ability to even hope to fund a private education and escape from this train wreck of a district.

The one variable the fascist judge did not take into account was the obtuse, petulant school board more concerned with petty power squabbles and media whore competitions than dealing equitably with qualified superintendents to benefit the students!. The latest casualty of this poor excuse for leadership is Superintendent Anthony Amato, who started July 1, 2006, lasted 18 months and 22 days. He was the school district’s 24th superintendent in 39 years. The board begins its search for No. 25. Gee, that works out to a Super every one & two thirds years. Many of these revolving door change outs result in high, six figure buyouts costing the taxpayers dearly. Way to look out for the interest of the children, you worthless collection of yutzes!

Mark Forsythe, of The Kansas City Post (online) asks a good question, formulates a partial answer, but yours truly, thinks there is more to the solution (naturally).

So we have an out of control school board running an out of control, unaccredited school district. What are we to do? How do we fix the schools? This was a question asked repeatedly at campaign forums during the city council race. What I really wanted to do was answer that questioner with the question "When are you going to stop electing fools to the school board?" Common sense dictates when a job is too big, you break it up into smaller more manageable parts and begin to work on them individually. With 47 elementary schools and 7 high schools scattered across miles of different neighborhoods with miles of different needs, I think it's time to explore breaking the district into smaller, more manageable parts.
Yes. Fix the government schools, but, with the over bearing misdirection of a power hungry groups like the local idiots in this school board, or the national socialists like the NEA, more interested in maintaining its flow of cash from the tax payers than what is most beneficial to the students, that is nearly impossible. As a result, the students suffer, the parents are fleeced and frustrated, and the community at large deteriorates from the petty pond scum antics of tinhorn bureaucrats.

The only way to kill this beast is to starve it! Cut off the money! Funnel it back to the people with the highest interest in the outcome of successful schools - parents and their children! Vote school vouchers / vote school choice! - Public funding of private education because, as we've seen, government schools are a monopoly money pit that can destroy communities and children's futures, and offer little or no recourse when the system fails so miserably as it has in Kansas City, Misouri. Put the power (read: money) directly into the hands of the consumer (read: parents) and let the consumer select the best educational choices for their children. After all, who could be opposed to choice? VOTE SCHOOL VOUCHERS - VOTE SCHOOL CHOICE!
Vote School Vouchers - Vote School Choice