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Monday, April 21, 2008

The Crackpot News Network

CNN was infamously nick named 'the clinton news network' back in the 1990's by Rush Limbaugh for that news network's pandering softball coverage of the clintons. It's been down hill in a muddy gopher hole ever since.

Hence, 'crackpot':

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Accused of Pushing Left Agenda in College Interviews.

...some of the students involved in the taping are alleging that Sanchez was so virulently skewed to the left that he berated and bullied students who held a differing point of view. It was reportedly so bad that CNN crewmembers even apologized to several students for Sanchez’ incivility.

But, wait! There's more. CNN's Richard Quest arrested in Central Park w/ some cristal meth, a sex toy and enough rope to tie one on. you figure it out

And stay tuned for the exiting conclusion when we find out if our hero, Tony Snow, can successfully combat the dark side.