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Monday, April 21, 2008

Savor the irony

Undecided (democratic) super delegates don't feel bound by primaries.

The huffypoo crowd is throwing a hissy fit. Relish the comments.

Of course, the fact that there is no constitutional right to vote for the POTUS is totally lost on this crowd. And apparently, so are the rules of their own party which don't require the SDs to be bound by the primaries.

Here's a novel idea: either learn the rules; change the rules; don't play; or shut up.

I blame govt. schools.

Word on the street is that some of these infantile democratic socialists will just explode in a tantrum with their plan to throw bags of urine and blood during the DNC in Denver this August.

There you have it. Some folks' idea of democracy in action.

God save the Republic.