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Monday, April 14, 2008

"Der Obamanator.... ist das Opium des Volkes."

Or, if I have no respect for karl marx, should I posthumously beg his pardon for bastardizing his work? No. But, I digress.

Way to go, Bill Kristol!! In a NY Times article, Kristol deftly strikes at the obamanator's elephant in the room which most have ignored - the man's a marxist. And it seems to be scrawled in big letters from here to Indonesia; his uber-liberal voting record; his dubious radical political associations; his demagogued rhetoric of 'change'.

On the heels of the obamanator's gaffe before the san fran limousine liberals this past week, Kristol expounds:

Or, more succinctly, and in the original German in which Marx somehow always sounds better: “Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkes.”

But it’s one thing for a German thinker to assert that “religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature.” It’s another thing for an American presidential candidate to claim that we “cling to ... religion” out of economic frustration.

And it’s a particularly odd claim for Barack Obama to make. After all, in his speech at the 2004 Democratic convention, he emphasized with pride that blue-state Americans, too, “worship an awesome God.”

What’s more, he’s written eloquently in his memoir, “Dreams From My Father,” of his own religious awakening upon hearing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “Audacity of Hope” sermon, and of the complexity of his religious commitment. You’d think he’d do other believers the courtesy of assuming they’ve also thought about their religious beliefs.

But, wait! There's more. Mr. Kristol goes on to examine the other spurious claims of disdain from the obamanator.
~Obama ascribes their anti-trade sentiment to economic frustration.
~Then there’s what Obama calls “anti-immigrant sentiment.”
~(Plus) small-town Americans’ alleged “antipathy to people who aren’t like them”.
~That leaves us with guns. Gun ownership has been around for an awfully long time.

There's an elephant in this room, and it's time for the electorate to stop being the 'collection of blindmen' voicing their disjointed descriptions, and start dealing with the enormity of the situation.

Congrats to Bill Kristol, and his Big Brass Pair.