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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tax Freedom Day for 2008 is April 23rd

Tax Freedom Day® answers the basic question, "What price is the nation paying for government?"

April 23rd is three days earlier than in 2007. Stimulus rebates and a projection of slow growth in 2008 are the principal reasons for the earlier celebration.
Small consolation, though.
Taxes vs. Other Expenses
"Government continues to dominate the American taxpayer's budget," said Tax Foundation president Scott Hodge. "Americans will still spend more on taxes in 2008 than they will spend on food, clothing and housing combined."

In 2008, Americans will work 74 days to afford their federal taxes and 39 more days to pay state and local taxes. Meanwhile, buying food requires 35 days of work, clothing 13 days, and housing 60 days. Other major categories are health and medical care (50 days), transportation (29 days), and recreation (21 days).
The Tax Foundation is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that has monitored fiscal policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.