Videos WhatFinger

Friday, April 04, 2008

Veteran Found Guilty in Mexican Flag Incident

I supported his actions right up until he vandalized some else's property.

In September, student Peter Lynch removed a Mexican flag from a pole outside Scholes Hall, tore it and took it to the Air Force ROTC office. Lynch, a veteran, said he tore the flag because it violated flag protocol (flying without an American flag beside it), and it was flying on U.S. Constitution Day.

A jury found student Lynch guilty of criminal damage to property Wednesday. Lynch must replace the flag, serve 48 hours of community service and attend anger management classes. The judge said Lynch's service in the Air Force did not excuse his actions.

Remember, this is supposed to be a country of laws, not of men - no matter egregious how the insult. Ain't that what we tell the islamo-fascists?

But this lady here can kiss my big furry behind: Nancy Sepulveda, an El Centro de la Raza employee, said the judge should have given Lynch a stricter sentence.