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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

This just in...

Over half of gun deaths are suicides.

The CDC has the latest available stats on firearm deaths (2005), and over half of the 31,000 deaths from firearms were not from Charles Bronson "death wish" wannabees running helter-skelter through the streets of America blasting the life out of anyone that moves (like some in the msm would have you believe ~cnnmsnbzzzz), but those deaths were suicides. Gun owners turning the weapons on themselves; for whatever reasons which drive folks to a long term solution about a short term problem.

There was nothing unique about that year _ gun-related suicides have outnumbered firearm homicides and accidents for 20 of the last 25 years. In 2005, homicides accounted for 40 percent of gun deaths. Accidents accounted for 3 percent. The remaining 2 percent included legal killings, such as when police do the shooting, and cases that involve undetermined intent.

The remaining 55% of firearm deaths were suicides.

CC: the obtuse nanny state anti-gun nuts.