Videos WhatFinger

Friday, October 10, 2008

Take the gun away from the tax payer's head; Step away from the crap sandwich & SUCK.IT.UP!

Bears & Sterns; Wachovia; Fannie Mae; AIG; Sturm und Drang; plus everything else leading up to this bailout-a-palooza.

Throw more money at it! It's classic "what's wrong with D.C. mentality."

We're on the severe brake failure part of the nanny state slope, boys n girls.

MM unloads on 'those in charge' with their chicken little, scatter shot, Hoover-esque panic mode approach to this financial crisis:

"It's totally Ad Hoc. They're running around like chickens without their heads on, and a lot of them, on both sides of the aisle, - you just had on Carley Fiorno of the McCain camp - keep repeating this false, uh, lie which is that we can't do nothing...

..Can't do nothing??! I mean, let's set aside all the corporate bailouts...

We did the $168 Billion stimulus rebate check package; we did the $300 Billion FHA rescue - and that's the workout, apparently, that plan which McCain is mimicking (from Tuesday's town hall). Let it work! Let's see how that works! Ok? Let's take Paulson's advice.

And then, on top of that, we have the $15 Billion in loans and grants that we sent to States & localities to deal with foreclosures in hard hit areas across the country. So don't tell me we're doing nothing!"

5 minutes of great video.

And the voters are mad. They're really mad and unloading at McCain's campaign stops - on McCain!