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Monday, September 09, 2019

Photo Shows Joe Biden, KKK Exalted Cyclops Sen. Byrd(D) Cheering at 2010 Campaign Rally.

Does Joe have any self-awareness at all? Or his handlers? Because the internet is forever.

I only bring it up because I ran across an article from August that spied Creepy Ol' Joe attempting to toss a turd into the swimming pool. You see, per usual, Joe was talking trash on the campaign trail. That trash included, Trump ‘Has More in Common with George Wallace Than He Does with George Washington’

Wow. Stretch, Joe, stretch. Wallace might mean something to your geriatric supporters, but for those born after the Space Shuttle's maiden voyage, you might as well be talking about George Tirebiter. The blank look will be the same.

Hey, Joe. Considering your Democrat party has a 150 years worth of 'more in common' with slave holders, segregationists, and their terrorist storm troops, the KKK, your focus group talking points simply make you look more ridiculous than usual.

Plus, George Washington actually owned slaves, and refused to free them even after his death, so that non sequitur about Trump doesn't mean what you thought it meant. But that wasn't the point, now, was it?