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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

If Brown Wins, Democrats to Implement "Hurry up & Stall"

From an observant Washington Times:

"Some of the groundwork has already been laid by the Democratic establishment who have given reporters different reasons why seating Republican Brown would take longer than Massachusetts Democrats Kennedy and Tsonges.

The Massachusetts Attorney General William F. Gavin, a Democrat, has said it would take at least 10 days to certify a new senator because it would take that long to count absentee ballots.

Aides to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, have suggested Mr. Brown will also have to wait until Vice President Joe Biden is "available" to swear him in although the law also permits other Senate officials, like the Secretary of Senate, to perform swearing-in duties.

It didn't take nearly as long in 1962 or 2007 when two other Massachusetts Democrats won special elections.

Mr. Kennedy was seated a day after winning his special election, on Nov. 7, 1962, to fill his brother John F. Kennedy's seat.

In fact, Mr. Kennedy's certification papers weren't even ready when he became the Senate's youngest member. The archived certificate is dated Nov. 21, 1962 and the Senate didn't mark it "received" until Nov. 28.

Rep. Tsongas also benefited from a swift seating process.

She won her Oct. 16, 2007 special election for former Rep. Marty Meehan's seat and was sworn in two days later.

How convenient, but it's the typical liberal definition of situational democracy.