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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Scott Heard 'Round the World

Scott Brown(R) wins Massachusetts' senate seat.

“I never thought I’d see the day when a Republican replaces Ted Kennedy,” Mayor Thomas M. Menino told the Herald last night. “I think Scott Brown caught the wave of anger that’s out there, and the wave of anti-Obama.”

A Rasmussen Reports poll found one in five Democrats supported Brown, who benefited from high suburban turnout to beat Coakley by 52 to 47 percent."
This guy was a virtual unknown two weeks ago. Except for that 15 minutes in 1982 when he posed semi-nude in Cosmo. Don't look, Martha!

And did you watch Brown's victory speech last night? He sounded an awful lot like a man running for president (not that an obscure junior senator with little management experience would ever have a chance).

Democracy now, indeed. Viva La Revolution!