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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Caught Red Handed

Look. Here's a red hand! And red titles, too: "The Populist Revolt," "The Socialist Party of America," "The Social Basis of American Communism," etc.

Michelle Obama Keeps Socialist Books In The White House Library. (photo)

From our good friends in North Dakota (what is it with these guys?):

Obviously, all of these are strictly for relativistic light reading when the TOTUS is in for service. Nothing more.

Actually, many of these titles can probably be found in any public library across the country, so in and of themselves, it's not a big deal. Then again, I don't know of a nationwide outbreak of 'marxist/socialist' advertising aimed at librarians, either.

And, hey. How about that John C. Drew, Ph.D.? A former Marxist-Leninist who claims to have known Barack Obama as a Marxist-Leninist at Occidental College in California. Which was obviously taken out of context.
