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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy B-Day Stimulus

Uh, I think maybe you should be buying us the festivities?

CNN (the comrade news network) has a different agenda and bakes a cake to celebrate!

Oh, heck. Let's be generous and gorge on the tax payer purchased birfer day festivities.

Let's see... about 400 billion of the stimulus has been spent so far, which - according to the Obama admins' own pronouncement - has saved roughly 2 million jobs. I'm only a fly-over, bitter clinging, rightwing rube, with a gub'mint scrool edju-ma-caishun, but according to my calculations, that works out to $200,000.00 per job.

And they say Gaff-tastic Joe is the smartest guy in the room.

BTW: I'll be back tomorrow to poke more alligators with sticks and explain my blog absence. Grrrr.