Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Pew Poll Corroborates Political Ignorance of Obama Voters

Elections have consequences. Do you remember this video?

It's a short documentary film by John Ziegler made shortly after Obama's election to the presidency. In the film , Ziegler asked 512 Obama voters twelve simple questions - which party currently controls congress?; who said there are 57 states?; which candidate threatened to bankrupt the coal industry?; which candidate has an unwed pregnant teen daughter?; which candidate spent 150k on campaign clothing?; who is Nancy Pelosi?;etc (guess which questions these obama voters got correct & which questions many had no idea).

Zogby published a poll of Ziegler's results in 2008. The poll was, at turns, ignored by the MSM, then savaged by the Leftists as 'biased, racist, flawed, etc.'

Recently, the Pew Research Center did their own poll of democrat, republican & independent voters concerning broader political knowledge, and the results corroborate the political ignorance of Obama voters. In short:

-- On no question did 60% (!) of the respondents get the right answer.

-- Republicans got an average of 5.9 correct, while Democrats scored just 4.9. Even often maligned Independents did better than Democrats, averaging 5.6 correct answers.

-- On almost every question, men out did women, whites got more answers correct than blacks, the more educated did better than the less schooled, the richer did better than the poorer, the older outscored the younger, and Republicans did best while Democrats did worst.

All of this dove tails to a 2008 Rasmussen poll that concluded 71% of Obama's supporters oppose the Constitution of the U.S. I blame gub'mint schools, of course.

Ziegler's analysis is here, with a link to Pew's conclusions, as well.

Take Pew's 12 question poll yourself. (no peeking!)

PS: Yes, I aced it ('natch).

TY HA link gator thingy