(no word yet if anti-religious bigots will demand 'separation of church/state' from Dear Leader)
Sioux Chief Manufacturing sues U.S. over ObamaCare.
"The Peculiar (Missouri) -based company wants relief from provisions of the act that require it to cover abortion and contraception in its self-insured health plan, contrary to its owners’ Catholic beliefs."
Bank seeks judgment in U.S. Rep. Cleaver's(D-MO) business loan.
"Bank of America sued the Cleavers and Cleaver Co. LLC last March, claiming they had defaulted on a 2002 loan to buy and operate a car wash in Grandview. In the initial lawsuit, the bank asked for $1,526,738 to end the default. Grandview Auto Wash remains open.11 years and no judgment? The congressman is obviously a member of the protected class.
But the filing Thursday said the amount owed has increased nearly $86,000 because payments still aren’t being made. It isn’t known when the judge might rule."
The 1% get Richer: Al Gore Nets Another Fortune on Apple Stock.
"According to a filing with the Securities and Exchanges Commission, Gore -- a director on Apple's board -- exercised an option to purchase nearly 60,000 shares of the tech giant at the bargain basement price of $7.48, costing him a total of about $445,000.
But with Apple's current market price at about $500 a share, Gore's holdings are worth $29.75 million, giving him a huge windfall-on paper at least."
U.S. appeals court upholds controversial Wisconsin union law.
"By a 2-1 vote, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago found that the 2011 law is constitutional, rejecting claims that it violated the equal protection and First Amendment rights of union members.
It reversed part of a March 2012 ruling by U.S. District Judge William Conley in Madison, Wisconsin.
Seven of Wisconsin's largest public-sector unions, including the Wisconsin Education Association Council, had sued to overturn the law, known as Act 10."

"(Fifteen y.o. student Andrea) Hernandez, who has been threatened with expulsion for refusing to wear a chipless RFID tracking badge, had her request for a preliminary injunction denied by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and the Western District of Texas. Rutherford Institute attorneys argue the school is violating her rights under Texas' Religious Freedom Act and the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution."A $7.9 BILLION / yr. slush fund: Head Start finally gets tested -- and flunks.
"Now, the HHS has finally published a follow-up to its 2010 study that follows the same children through the end of third grade. And again, the HHS has concluded that Head Start is ineffective, concluding that Heat Start resulted in "very few impacts ... in any of the four domains of cognitive, social-emotional, health and parenting practices." And those impacts that were found "did not show a clear pattern of favorable or unfavorable impacts for children."
Does that sound like a program you'd want to spend $8 billion on next year?"
From the 'ya caint fix stoopid' dept.: Actor Danny Glover tells Texas A&M students 2nd Amendment Intended to Preserve Slavery & Kill Indians.
In America, you have the right to be stoopid; even demagogic, race pimpin' stoopid. But when will Glover return all those millions of dollars he profited from making bloody violent cops n robber movies? Oh, yes. In America, you have a right to be a hypocrite, too.
Right now, we're just haggling over price: An HBO slut-fest called 'Girls' wins some kind of award.
Methinks it's because the protagonist got all wet n sticky from Dear Leader. Or something.
At least she doesn't have to worry about crab lice. Much.