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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A Few Headlines

President Trump endorses bible study bill in Missouri legislature
"Missouri is one of six states with measures filed this year to incorporate bible study classes into public high schools’ curriculums...

The resolutions declare the courses are intended to teach bible content necessary to understanding contemporary society and culture."

This is too little; too late. Contemporary Western society is a post-Christian and enthusiastically pagan. Besides, this is the WRONG ARGUMENT, and will never withstand court challenges. School choice is the civil rights issue of this century. End the government school monopoly, establish education tax credits, and let parents make the best educational decisions for their children - not the state.

Not-for-profit group proposes merging St. Louis city with St. Louis county
"St. Louis city and county were separated by a vote in August 1876. Several previous reunification efforts have failed.

The group Better Together said in a lengthy report a merger is necessary for the region to realize its potential. Better Together plans a $25 million campaign to put the merger on a statewide ballot in November 2020, officials said at a news conference."

It's not what the non-profit is attempting to do to which I object, it's HOW. This business of government by statewide ballot initiative is horsecrap, and is abused by special interests and their lobbyists. Local government is best. Let St. Louis-ians decide what's best for St. Louis. The rest of us simply don't care.

58,000 Non-U.S. Citizens Voted in Texas State Elections, Attorney General Paxton Says
"The Texas Secretary of State this week provided the information to Paxton's office, which can prosecute election crimes.

“Every single instance of illegal voting threatens democracy in our state and deprives individual Texans of their voice," Paxton said in a statement. "My Election Fraud Unit stands ready to investigate and prosecute crimes against the democratic process when needed."

Democrats will always respond, "There's no voter fraud and accusations are racist!" Democrats want voter fraud because it always benefits them. Grant prosecutorial powers to the Secretary of State in these matters. The AG office is swamped already.

Speak truth to power.