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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Scientists Drilled a Mile-Long Hole in the Antarctic Ice

 "Here are some things we know about the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: The sheet is held up by a collection of ice shelves, which are melting pretty quickly. The exception is the Ross Ice Shelf, one of the biggest in the group, which appears to be growing bigger. Nevertheless, the overall ice sheet is still melting, aided by a collection of underground volcanoes. In fact, it’s melting faster than scientists expected, although other factors might be slowing down that melting.

If this sounds like a confusing mess of contradictions, you’re not wrong. Nobody knows for sure what’s really going on in West Antarctica. Part of the problem with studying the region is that much of the important information is buried deep underneath a mile of ice. Which is why an expedition has spent the last few months drilling the giant hole."
Since it's Summer down under, is it currently warmer in Antarctica than the MidWest USA? Asking for a friend.

"It was painted by Dr. Edward Wilson, an artist, physician, and celebrated explorer. The team he joined on a fatal journey (in 1911) to be the first to reach the South Pole died on its return, just 11 miles short of a food depot that would have saved their lives."

To be brutally honest, 11 miles on foot in Antarctica might as well be a trip to the moon.