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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Disappointed Fans of Mueller Rethink the Pedestal They Built for Him

Bless their lil hearts. So much winning. But don't you dare claim the Leftist god is government, or their worship of government power a cult.

From Astead W. Herndon & Richard Fausset at the NY Times: "Over the nearly two years of the Mueller investigation, a segment of liberals and activists built up fervent hopes that it would bring Mr. Trump down. They elevated Mr. Mueller, a former F.B.I. director, into an anti-Trump cultural icon, complete with T-shirts, scented candlesand holiday-themed songs like “We Wish You a Mueller Christmas.”

For some of them, the report felt like a betrayal. To many others, it was a disappointment."

Said the triggered; huddled in their safe space because Republicans 'pounced.' Just remember, these are the same people who seek to impose their rules over nearly every aspect of your life - by any means necessary.

The Times continues, "A popular podcast called “Mueller, She Wrote,” which is streamed up to 200,000 times a week, calls its Russia-obsessed fans Muellerites. One of the three hosts, a California comedian who goes by A. G. and has a tattoo of Mr. Mueller’s silhouette on her arm, said the community was in what could only be described as a collective state of muted shock.

“I’ve had to talk a couple people off the ledge,” she said."

Why so serious, Batman? These mueller minions even have their own facebook hagiography of Mueller.

"... the Robert Mueller Fan Club says on its “About” page, “All hail Robert Mueller — through his work we shall be delivered from this ignorance and evil we suffer.” Barbara Llewellyn, a retired real estate agent from Naperville, Ill., had written “Hallelujah” on the page. But by Monday, she had changed her tune."

So much winning. But it's not a cult. It's not their god.