Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Florida Man is at it Again. Make it Stop.

Florida Man Bicycles Backwards on I-95 While Nearly Naked
"It appears to be the same cyclist who surprised fellow commuters last August when he weaved in and out of traffic on I-95."
He'll never sell that bike.

"After a lengthy investigation into the matter, Scott said he determined the city didn't engage in gross mismanagement or misconduct, but he did say there were major issues with the vetting process."
Ya think? This is a close cousin to govt. procurement snafus: The heck with who tried to sell the over-priced crap. Who wrote the purchase order to buy it?

Florida Man Arrested After Printing Child Porn at CVS Pharmacy
"He printed and purchased the pictures, along with cocoa butter and personal lubricant.

The CVS employee reported the incident and (local police) looked into it."
Your new cellmate, Bubba the Love Sponge, doesn't like personal lubricant.