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Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Few Headlines

R.I. Teachers’ Unions Oppose Bill That Would Make Sex with Students a Crime
"Engaging in sex with a student is generally a firing offense for a teacher, but not a crime in Rhode Island if the student has reached the age of consent. The bill would define such behavior as third-degree sexual assault."

And unions oppose this? I'm starting to think it's because teachers unions regard these government schools as not the best educational possibility for students, but as a taxpayer funded jobs program for adults.

Michigan State Students Filed 2 Bias Incident Reports Because Someone Posted a Cartoon Making Fun of Liberals in a Residence Hall

Tell me again why I am forced to fund with my tax dollars a 'Snowflake 101' curriculum?

States Sue Over School Lunch Changes, Say They're Not Scientific Like the Obama Rules Based on Retracted Nutrition Studies
"Some state attorneys general don't like that. They're now suing in federal court to make the Obama-era lunch standards permanent."

They require a federal judge to dictate what children eat at a local school? Good grief. Then what's the point of electing a local school board?

Congress to make criminal referrals concerning rogue FBI conduct
"House Intelligence Committee ranking member Devin Nunes exclusively told Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures" that he is preparing to send eight criminal referrals to the Department of Justice this week concerning alleged misconduct from "Watergate wannabes" during the Trump-Russia investigation, including the leaks of "highly classified material" and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court."

Unless and until some of these wretched deep state actors go to prison, it's all political showboating.

Texas School Agrees to Stop Using Race in Admissions, First in Nation
"Under Secretary Betsy DeVos, the education department last summer rescinded guidelines put in place under President Barack Obama that said colleges and universities could consider race in admissions decisions as a way of promoting diversity."

Diversity for the sake of diversity is racialism, plain & simple. When institutionalized (regardless of good intentions) it promotes resentment, self-segregation, and mediocrity. The unintended consequence is that the favored individual is often set-up for failure. Entrance exams alone should determine acceptance for enrollment - regardless of ethnicity or race.

Felicity Huffman and 13 others to plead guilty in college admissions scandal
"Thirteen others plead guilty in their role in the scandal Monday, bringing the total number of guilty pleas to 18. It is unclear what penalties they will face. CBS News reported earlier this week that some have already consulted with a prison expert on how to survive time behind bars."

Scam coach. Prison coach. But of course. F. Scott reminds us that "The rich aren't like you and me..."

The extent of time, money, collusion, and duplicity in all this points to the fact that higher education is not simply over-priced, but extremely over-valued.