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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Think of Brexit as a Divorce Proceeding and It All Makes Perfect Sense

"EU to Prime Minister May: Further extension of Brexit deadline “only possible if the UK agrees to hold European elections on 23 May.”

The EU is the abusive husband demanding his abused wife capitulate to his demands for a better settlement. Or, more than likely, entrap her into staying because he's better off with her than without.

The UK is the abused wife. She's unsure of who to turn to, how to proceed, and overthinks that this ugly situation might even be her fault.

Why is that so obvious?

From Vijeta Uniyal at L.I.: "If May’s government decides to hold the EU elections, the country will be further entangled in the EU bureaucracy, making it even more difficult to leave the bloc.

In light of the ongoing impasse, a No-Deal Brexit seems to be the only sensible option. In a No-Deal scenario, Britain will leave the EU without any formal agreement on trade relations with the 27-member states of the bloc. It would cease to be the member of the European single market and “charge the same tariffs to all WTO members under no deal,” Independent reported.

In case of a No-Deal exit, the UK will not be obliged to pay the $47 billion punitive “divorce bill” imposed by the EU negotiators, a House of Commons report confirmed."

Good grief. He's no good for you. Just leave already! What are you waiting for?

But the once Great Britain is now a pitiable shadow of its former self as this morning's Quote Unquote illustrates.