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Friday, June 28, 2019

Anti-Science Pride: London Zoo Celebrates 'Gay' Animals & Parenting

With a slogan for a gay anti-bullying campaign, the public is instructed, "Get Over It."

Stuff it, Woke Scold. No one condones bullying - against people or animals. Nor should supposed scientists condone an anti-science agenda painted rainbow colors.

From Alex Parker at RedState:
"In celebration of the notion that two penguins are gay, the zoo is giving the whole joint a “Pride makeover.”On July 5th, in addition to its normal (18+ only) Zoo Night festivities, the London Zoo will teach attendees about gender, mating, and same-sex animal pairings."

To anthropomorphize animals is the stuff of cartoons - and political agendas. Are animals observed in same-same pairings? Yes, but as demonstrated later, those same-same animal pairings will always (read: always) break apart when an available opposite sex partner presents his/her self. The perverse zeal used by the zoo curators to promote this 'gay penguin' agenda is nothing less than anti-science lunacy. Apparently, actual zoology isn't a thing at this London zoo. Perhaps its staff foregoes the scientific method in favor of reductio ad absurdum to conclude that a dog which humps a man's leg must be a gay hump-o-saurus. Rainbow dog houses!

From an actual scientist:

"Professor F Stephen Dobson, one of the authors of the study published in the journal Ethology, said the number of same sex pairs was actually lower than expected. When the colony was studied over time he found all the ‘gay’ penguins chose a heterosexual partner. A female pair also ‘split up’ to raise an egg with male partner."

Precisely. It's like biology, or something, and how species reproduce.

On one hand, the science of evolution insists that superior genetic material must be passed up the food chain via heterosexual coupling in order for the tree of life to blossom. Yet, in this strange new century, 'zoologists' foist perverse human imagination upon animals which they believe self-identify as LGBTQ for the sake of agenda. And all must bow down to their anti-science rainbow, or you're a homophobic bigot. Or something. Reality be damned.

As I already said, "Stuff it, Woke Scold."