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Friday, June 28, 2019

The Mueller Thing is the Mueller Thing

Crowded debate stages, like polls, this far out are a waste of time. Let's keep the main thing, the main thing: focus on the worst government scandal in American history that weaponized the justice department and counter-intelligence agencies by the political party in power to spy on the potus campaign of someone in a different political party. You know it as Russia/Trump collusion. It was de-bunked by democrat hatchetman special counsel Robert Mueller & Co. back in March after a $35 million,  2 1/2 year-long investigation which only resulted in process crimes, and no 'collusion / obstruction / tampering', or whatever indictments against President Trump.

Robert Mueller is still scheduled to publicly testify before Democrat-controlled House committees on July 17 about his Trump / Russia probe. I'm not sure why because at his retirement party last May 29, Mueller stated "the report is my testimony” and “I hope and expect this will be the only time I speak to you in this manner.”

Moreover, a new survey from Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll says "68 percent of respondents believe that Democrats should accept the findings of Mueller’s report and move on from the Russia collusion narrative. Additionally, 65 percent agree with Attorney General William Barr‘s testimony that Trump did not obstruct justice."

Plus, many in Congress already have clearance to read 99% of the unredacted report for themselves, but obviously, there's no TV grandstanding time in that pursuit, so here's yet another opportunity for them to waste more tax dollars.

But let's pay along. Jonathan Turley at The Hill recommends 20 questions for Mueller.  Turley likens Mueller to the mythological Sphinx.

Jay Adolf of New York wrote a letter to the NY Times Editor to ask only 2 questions of Mueller.

Rep. Adam Schiff(D) seeks a fishing expedition: We Will Ask Mueller Questions That Are Outside The Scope Of His Report When He Testifies

Trump's attorney exposes Trump as the worst Hitler ever: No plans to block Mueller's testimony

Robert Mueller Is Testifying. What Should Democrats Ask Him?
A Bloomberg opinion piece. Try to keep up, guys. Okay?

HuffPost concern troll alert: Damning Mueller Report In Hand, Democrats Punt To Robert Mueller

Alan Dershowitz gets the last - and probably most prescient - word: Democrats will regret compelling Robert Mueller to testify
"The irony is that all the questions the Democrats want to ask him, he's not entitled to answer. He can't answer any questions involving the investigation of President Trump or his campaign because that was the essence of the report," Dershowitz said on Fox News."