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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

George Clooney Has Plumbing Disaster as Obamas Visit Lake Como Villa

To be clear, for the privileged, wealthy elite in this world, 'plumbing disaster' means the swimming pool water is too cold. Meanwhile, in Obama's hometown, the Chicago P.D. and Cook County Coroner are investigating 35 homicides, plus 204 shot & wounded victims - from June alone.

There's a metaphor about the legacy of the former potus in there somewhere.

Reporting on the important things of this world is Barbie Latza Nadeau at The Daily Beast:: "Then, just before Obama, his wife Michelle and their daughters Malia and Sasha arrived from Milan on Saturday in a armored entourage of seven cars with darkened glass, a white van for luggage, six police cars, and a helicopter overhead, Clooney noticed that the swimming pool was half full and the water was like ice. He asked his bodyguard Giovanni to call Dante Pennè, the local Lake Como plumber to sort him out."

Sad trombone. But, wait. There's more horror. Neighbors of Clooney complain he's "monopolizing the local gardeners. One told the newspaper La Repubblica that he hasn’t had his lawn cut for a week because his gardener is on “special assignment” sprucing up the Clooney estate."

Is there no decency left? Precious little in Obama's hometown of Chicago. The year to date homicides total is 244, plus 950 shot & wounded victims. 'Too cold' has a different meaning on the mean streets of Chicago for these people. But, hey. The Obamas party over the weekend with the Clooneys at a lavish Lake Como villa in Italy!

Yup. There's definitely a metaphor about the legacy of the former potus in there somewhere.