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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ICE, KC Police End Stand-Off, Arrest Once-Deported Illegal Alien; Rep. Emanuel Cleaver(D) says "video is very concerning"

A rarity from my long-ago former employer, the Kansas City Star; a straight forward news report:
"U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver expressed concern Monday after an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent broke out a Kansas City man’s car window with his two children in the backseat and took him into custody.

The man’s girlfriend, Cheyenne Hoyt, recorded more than 30 minutes of video of the interaction.

The recording shows Hoyt and Florencio Millan asking to see a warrant and telling an immigration officer they are trying to get to a doctor’s appointment for their 7-month-old daughter. Millan refuses to get out of the car when a warrant isn’t presented.

An officer says Millan came back into the U.S. illegally after being deported and an arrest without a warrant can be made."
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver(D), who represents the 5th district, which includes Kansas City, MO., issued a statement after the fact. This sentence stood out: "Cleaver, D-Missouri, said on social media that the “video is very concerning as to the traumatization of children and reasonable use of force."

I agree. The reckless and irresponsible actions of the father which created this situation are 'concerning' to the traumatization of (his) children. Bravo to ICE and KCPD for their reasonable use of force to bring this illegal alien into custody without resorting to deadly force.

However, not content to let facts speak for themselves, local KCTV 5 chimed in to Cleaver's concern-troll chorus with their own meager headline, "Family Ripped Apart as ICE Agents Arrested Man."

Oh, my. Sounds ominous. Let's review: ICE, KC Police End Stand-Off, Arrest Once-Deported Illegal Alien. That statement may be many things, but 'concerning' ain't one of them, Rep. Cleaver.

Thank you to all law enforcement, and a job well done.