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Thursday, August 22, 2019

DNC Chairman *D.L. Hughley Plans Fundraisers in Mexico Next Month

Events require attendees to be American citizens or permanent residents with passports or green cards. Apparently, Leftists only care about citizenship or national borders when they can grift for big bucks.

What brought this up? I was reading this article by Molly Prince at The Daily Wire entitled "RNC Massively Out-Raises The DNC In July."

Prince culled some recent FEC docs to compose this analysis:
"The RNC raised $20.8 million last month, bringing the party’s total fundraising haul to $177.9 million for the election cycle. Comparatively, the DNC raised $7.7 million over the same period, totaling $51.6 (million) to date."
I don't donate to the Republican National Committee (RNC). I only donate to individual, mostly local, Republican candidates, but news of the massive fund raising haul did bring a smile to my face, so on I read until something jumped out at me:
“We also had our largest online fundraising ever,” Steve Guest, the RNC’s Rapid Response Director told The Daily Wire. He further noted that online fundraising was 1,100% more than in July 2016 and 1,900% more than July 2015.

Guest also pointed to DNC Chairman Tom Perez’s scheduled fundraising trips to Mexico as sign of the party’s “struggle to fundraise.”

“The DNC’s financial situation is in such a mess, they’re now relying on Hillary Clinton and Mexico to hold their fundraisers,” Guest continued."
'Scheduled fundraising trips to Mexico.' Hillary? Mexico? Heck, if the wicked witch can cash in as Sect'y of State by selling 20% of the U.S. uranium supply to Russia, violate numerous counts of the Espionage Act, and have 56 close friends & associates accidentally commit suicide, why not use her 'stay out of jail free' card, and continue to grift for big bucks while she's still vertical?

Yet, there is that pesky Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) which explicitly prohibits foreign money donated to U.S. elections. I found a few clues over at Bloomberg. It's often a mendacious leftist tabloid, but the  stopped clock rule applies: DNC Chief Plans to Raise Money From Americans in Mexico City
"Perez will participate in three events in the Mexican capital on Sept. 28, according to invitations obtained by Bloomberg News. The events range from happy hour drinks with a $25 minimum student entry to a dinner where tickets range from $1,000 to $15,000.

The registration form on the DNC website require that attendees be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and enter passport or green card numbers. It is illegal for foreigners to contribute to American political campaigns. Evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election aimed at benefiting Donald Trump has been a persistent drag on his presidency.

DNC spokeswoman Xochitl Hinojosa confirmed that Perez will be holding the events."
'Evidence of Russian interference.' Evidence? Obviously the writers can't spell 'Bob Mueller,' or two and half years, or $35 million investigation. Or they're simply leftist hacks still suffering from their TDS fever dream of impeach, impeach, impeach!! Number four, Drew. Final answer.
"A significant audience awaits Perez south of the border. About 1.5 million American citizens call Mexico home, according to the State Department, more than anywhere else outside the U.S. That’s also larger than the total populations of about one fifth of U.S. states, including New Hampshire and Montana."
*Tom Perez is the true DNC chairman. I simply like to razz Hughley. Because.