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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Is Snopes a Satire Site?

A good question, and a nice zing.  Snopes is a bias confirmation site just like the other 99 % of the interwebs. It's a small cog in much bigger machine.

John Hinderaker at Powerline writes:
"The Babylon Bee, which describes itself as “Christian news satire,” has been engaged in a running battle with, a liberal “fact check” site that serves mostly as a mouthpiece for the left. Snopes has repeatedly undertaken, with a straight face, to “fact check” Babylon Bee stories that are obviously humorous. This has given rise to considerable ridicule, but some suspect that Snopes has a more sinister purpose in mind: to give liberals at platforms like Facebook an excuse to downgrade or even ban the sharing of Bee posts. The humorless left has nothing like the Bee, and would like to get rid of it.

A few days ago, Snopes tried to justify its repeated “fact checking” of the Bee by reproducing an article about a poll that purported to find that a considerable number of people are fooled by satirical stories."
'Would like to get rid of it.' What's that imply? Power. Self-appointed power. Power to set the agenda; make the rules; establish the premise. This forces the other side to play defense. Except The Babylon Bee ain't having none of it, and is slapping back as good as it gets. This is precisely why Trump (for all his flaws and errors) is so popular on the Right. He turns it all around on the Left to shove back down their collectivist throat.

Remember the Obama-era, self-congratulatory drivel of 'we are the ones we've been waiting for?' Leftists deem themselves the self-appointed guardians of politically correct society. By any means necessary. It's an epidemic on marxist diverse-iversity indoctrination farms otherwise known as public universities. It's the Left who de-platform, de-monetize, speech code, shadow ban, algorithm, intimidate, and even violently assault others because an idea or message doesn't comport with their bias confirmation. AntiFa anyone? Yet, in a rare schadenfreude twist, it's coming back to bite one of the Left's foot soldiers in her blackface ^ss.

Snopes is a bias confirmation site just like the other 99 % of the interwebs. It's a small cog in much bigger machine of intolerance, persecution, and bigotry.