Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Quote, Unquote

Leftists Say the Damnedest Things.

From the likes of Huffington Post, Vox, Media Matters, Slate, etc.

"The quickest way to get to gender parity is to require it. “If you could do anything ... and be really transformative, the thing to do would be to adopt a quota policy,” says Diana O’Brien, a political science professor at Texas A&M University who focuses on the intersection of gender and politics." - Li Zhou at Vox

"I’ve dated a handful of men but no relationship has ever reached a happily ever after. I always worried that something was missing, or I assumed from the start that a date was doomed to fail. And perhaps because that’s what I feared, that’s exactly what happened: My asexuality fucked me over." -
Marisa L. Manuel, guest writer at Huffington Post

"Organizers from the Fair Immigration Reform Movement told the workers what to do if ICE knocked on the door, and William Foner, a volunteer from Tennessee, made the worried parents laugh with his portrayal of a bumbling ICE agent, trying to barge through the saloon doors from the kitchen.

The immediate task at hand? Getting paid for the work they had already done this week. Reyes wasn’t sure who would have their back." - Henry Grabar at Slate

"As a middle-aged queer myself, I remember many of my New York and San Francisco friends bitching that all the butch lesbians were “turning into men.” Meanwhile, some femme lesbians fetishized trans men and their bodies, leaving cisgender butches to wonder whether they were man enough." - Katie Anania  at Slate

You don't need to read the El Paso killer’s manifesto. Just turn on Fox News. - headline at Media Matters

After the El Paso shooting, users on 4chan and 8chan say that Tucker Carlson has taken their talking points - headline at Media Matters

Fox News has repeatedly complained about legal immigrants using public services - headline at Media Matters

How Fox News runs PR for CBP and ICE -- and erases the abuse of migrants - headline at Media Matters

Fox News is pushing white nationalism because the Murdochs want it to - headline at Media Matters

Good grief. I need a shower.