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Thursday, August 08, 2019

The Left Will Still Hate You Even If You Disarm

Or pay 90% in taxes. Or use the 'correct' pronouns. Or forgo fossil fuels. Or...

You get the idea.

Kurt Schlichter at Townhall exposes why:
"One of their tactics is exhaustion - to exhaust the weak among us and get them to say, “Gosh, if we just give in we can put this unpleasantness behind us.” But you can’t put anything behind you with these people, because there is nothing to put behind you. It’s all a lie. You are not a racist. Your guns won’t hurt anyone but criminals and aspiring tyrants. And the leftists know it. They know they are spewing skeevy slanders, and if you give in on this one - handing over your AR-15 and hanging your head over prejudices you don’t possess - the libs and their newsprint lackeys will just club you with another set of grievances that you can only atone for through further submission."
Read that again - "another set of grievances." What's that imply? Power. Self-appointed power. Power to set the agenda; make the rules; establish the premise. This forces the other side to play defense. This is precisely why Trump (for all his flaws and errors) is so popular on the Right. He turns it all around on the Left to shove back down their collectivist throat.

Remember as kids, the go-to retort for being bossed around was "You're not the boss of me!" Or "who died and made you king?" This works for adults, too; particularly against Leftists who deem themselves self-important enough to dictate instructions for your life (your money, your speech, your energy, etc).

The best defense is a good offense: Never accept the Left's premise. Always reject the Left's rules. Forever refute the Left's agenda.

Why? You're not the boss of me!  It really is that simple.