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Thursday, August 08, 2019

Mueller Might Have Committed Perjury in Congressional Testimony

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air unpacks an interesting post by Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations regarding a weasel word issued by Robert Mueller during his testimony before Congress two weeks ago.
"The judge explained that Mueller’s report improperly referred to the defendants’ “social media operations” as one of “two principal interference operations in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections” carried out by the Russian government. She also pointed out that he also referred to their Internet trolling as “active measures” — a term of art that typically includes operations conducted by Russian intelligence to influence international affairs.

She said this was a departure from the government’s original February 2018 indictment, which “does not link the defendants to the Russian government” and “alleges only private conduct by private actors.”
Translation: U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich called out Mueller on his conflated 'Russia/Trump collusion bullsh!t, then ordered Mueller back into his own lane. Mueller complied (read Ed's article) during his hastily arranged retirement party press conference, yet during his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on July 24th, Mueller issued his weasel word:
"McCLINTOCK: The — the question is, did your May 29th press conference have anything to do with the fact that the previous day the judge threatened to hold your prosecutors in contempt for misrepresenting evidence?

"Departure," she said. In the words of the outlaw prophet Ned Pepper, "Too thin, Rooster! Too thin!"

The men Mueller & Weissmann targeted during their 2 year long, $35 million special counsel investigation into Russia/Trump collusion will rot in solitary confinement, or interminable bankruptcy for their process crimes, but I predict Mueller will face ZERO consequences for his weasel word before the House Judiciary Committee.

That, of course, hints at other unanswered questions concerning "interference operations in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections carried out by the Russian government."

Who was President in 2016? Who ran the Justice Department in 2016? Who oversaw U.S. Intelligence operations? Was anything done to thwart the Russians during 2016? If not, why not? What did Obama know, and when did he know it?