Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Man Sues CNN’s Don Lemon for Sexual Assault at Bar

“Do you like pussy or dick?” Hice claims he left the bar “shocked and humiliated.”

Ace of Spades animates Alinsky's fourth rule for radicals as a required response from Leftists:
"Here's the syllogism:

1. Victims never lie.

2. This person claims to be a victim.

3. Because this person is a victim, and victims never lie, this person must be telling the truth about being a victim.

4. Don LeMon must be fired. All corporations advertising on CNN must be threatened with a boycott until they stop giving CNN Sexual Assault Money and stop giving a #Platform to this Sexual Assailant.

Stop Enabling Rape Culture, CNN. Stop Enabling Rape Culture, CNN advertisers.

I'll be posting a list of CNN advertisers to boycott tomorrow, with special prominence given to those Enabling Rape by #Platforming Don LeMon."
Oh. Wait. Fen's Law is always in affect for Leftists.