Videos WhatFinger

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Feminist Authorette: Red Baseball Hats 'Scary,' Don't wear Them!

The same hoary harridans who parade about wearing nasty fuchsia pussy hats presume to instruct the rest of us with headwear fashion tips? Got it.

Mary Chastain at Legal Insurrection rightly opines:
"It’s a HAT. It’s an inanimate object that cannot literally hurt you.

I honestly do not know where to start with this. Then she has the nerve to compare the MAGA hat to the swastika. The swastika symbolizes divinity and spirituality in Indian religions, especially in Hinduism and Buddhism."
'Nerve to compare.' The Leftists landscape is one massive echo chamber of 'Trump is Hitler' - CNN being the most ridiculous. For Leftists, this 'nerve' is required group-think, or they can expect the clothing fascist inquisition.

One of the better zings:

No, no. Red hats are scary. Although, for those who suffer from redhat-phobia, there's always the refuge of Lipslut 'Fvck Trump' lipstick.

H/t: RT