"But as we saw in the case of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, different rules apply to progressives. Former President Obama made that clear today by endorsing Trudeau for another term...Insert Fen's Law here.
Obama gave Justin a hall pass.
As good as Justin must feel today, this has to be causing Joe Biden to flinch a bit. Biden is struggling to raise money and last night’s debate showed that the other candidates now see Elizabeth Warren as the leader of the pack. So where is the Obama endorsement for Uncle Joe? Biden claimed months ago that he had asked Obama not to endorse him but I bet he’d welcome a surprise endorsement now. It’s true that Biden has made some odd and awkward statements but at least he hasn’t worn blackface."
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed. - G.K. Chesterton