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Friday, November 08, 2019

A Few Headlines

Text of Congressional Funds for Ukraine
A few weeds here, but easy to navigate, and is typical of foreign aide packages authorized by Congress.
"In each case the money was authorized to be spent but in no case was it required to be spent."
IE: The golden rule - he who has the gold makes the rules, and the Chief Exec has discretion in foreign aid. Schiff and his leaker-blower are liars. Read the transcript. The Bidens aren't above the law simply because Quid Pro Joe is running for office.

Tulsi Gabbard Appears on “The View” and Gracefully Puts Foot Up Joy Behar's......
Nice video. I've said it before, "Is Tulsi a GOP plant with a 'D' after her name?"

Guy Fawkes: Needed Now More Than Ever
I don't agree, but it's good to know history. Other than the now-hipster name, and that goofey mask favored by anarchists worldwide, Guy Fawkes is best remembered for the attempted Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Fawkes was a Papist whose intent was to re-store Catholicism to Great Britain, and thought blowing up Parliament was most propitious to achieve that end.

Related: Alan Moore discusses 'V For Vendetta'

Anti-Trump Book Is Spectacular Flop
"Just six reviews of the book have been posted to Amazon, one of which is titled “Write what you know, Mark.” In it, user Ball Student wrote, “He’d be better off avoiding speculation and sticking to areas he has extensive experience in: groping female employees.”"

Trump is being threatened with impeachment for Joe Biden’s crimes
Sort of. That's just the latest coup excuse to unseat a duly elected president from office, and disenfranchise 65 million voters. Trump is being threatened with impeachment for refusing to play ball with the globalist, open borders cabal, plus his persistent ridicule of them in broad daylight to the cheers of millions. Trump is the 'Sunshine President' - the best disinfectant.

Donald Trump, Jr. on 'The View'
Don Jr. B-slaps these 'View' harridans about their hypocrisy similar to Tulsi scalding them earlier. Moreover, the females who watch and keep this show on the air for decades are vile, ignorant humans. Please don't breed or vote.

"A few years ago, I wrote a short post about a 1971 TV series titled Bearcats!, about a pair of adventurers tooling around the American Southwest (and sometimes Mexico) in a Stutz Bearcat during the 1910s. They hire out to solve dangerous problems, usually involving crooks, spies or revolutionaries."
I had forgotten all about this old TV show, but like the author above, I remember watching as a young boy.

William Shatner Gets In Twitter Feud With Millennial Who Said ‘Ok Boomer’
Baby Boomers in 1969: “Don’t trust anyone over 30!”

Baby Boomers in 2019: “Calling me a Boomer is an ageist slur!”
Those two quotes don't appear in Paul Bois article, but I thought them relevant, and I found them here. Shatner handled the attempted ad hominem from the millennial with wit and aplom:
"The user then argued that the insult is directed toward Boomers who fail to recognize that millennials are not the ones who created the difficult economic and social climate.

“I wouldn’t think you’d be one of the ignorant ones, but ok,” said the user. “It’s for the boomers who don’t realize that the hardships that the millennials inherited are not their fault. That these kids are trying to survive a world that has all but been destroyed and that doesn’t make them lazy

Shatner then accused the user of blaming others and throwing a pity party.

“And the meek shall inherit… is that all your generation does is point fingers and blame others for their pity parties? You don’t get a participation trophy for life; you take what you get and play your best hand. It’s been that way since forever,” responded Shatner."
Shatner later said that a generational label should not define a person, warning against the poison that comes with blaming others for their problem."
Like Shatner, I'm not insulted by 'Ok, Boomer.' I am a boomer; a tale-end boomer, but one, nonetheless. Call me whatever, but don't call me late for dinner.

Shatner is correct: blaming the previous generation for your woes is childish, and counter-productive. Bloom where you're planted.

“If you are under the age of 40, you’ve never been safer than you are today”
But that is no way to make people afraid! America’s Safest Cities.

Ghost Town Disc Golf
"Toss a Frisbee through the ruins of this Colorado gold mining town."
Bucket listed. And probably very safe.