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Friday, December 13, 2019

The FBI didn't commit 'errors and omissions.' It abused its power

"It doesn't matter what you think about Trump, the precedent these crooked agents set with their misconduct is horrifying."
Apologies that I keep pounding this drum. Americans are furious that those entrusted at the highest levels in our Justice Dept. acted with near impunity to pervert and abuse their positions of trust in order to sabotage the peaceful transfer of power within our electoral process.

And then, for them to sneer, be smug, and condescend to us, We the People, because we dare to question the motives and methods of their incumbent bureaucracy as to who shall be POTUS... their misconduct is horrifying.
"There are sins of omission and sins of commission. The FBI didn't just fail to do right here. The agents involved in this investigation did evil. They used their power as law enforcement agents in pursuit of a perceived political enemy.

That's not an error. That's corruption. And it's frightening to think what they could do next because they could do it to anyone."
Heads need to roll, and the guilty imprisoned.