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Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Why the media got Iran wrong

Other than their morally bankrupt materialism that denies the existence of evil, the media wanted to be wrong. Narrative signs their paycheck, not actual journalism.

"Iran's attack last night on 2 American bases in Iraq proved once again Iran has the military capabilities and acumen of Paraguay. The retaliation showed the genius of President Donald John Trump's killing General قاسم سلیمانی  (no one can spell his name in English).

It also showed the American media is a joke that should not cover anything more important than a PTA meeting. They were wrong in their predictions of World War 3 because they based that on a misguided belief that the president is evil, insane and unintelligent.

This began with an Iranian gang attacking our embassy in Iraq. Democrats gleefully labeled it President Trump's Benghazi..."