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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Morning Coffee - Sic Semper Tyrannis

"The central conservative truth is that it's culture, not politics, that determines  the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a  culture and save it from itself.” - US Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan(D)

The House can expel its own corrupt members when leadership demands, and has many times - but when leadership is corrupt...

obama lied, fbi spied

Fascist Mich. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer(D) Allows Gay Swinger's Club to Operate While  Barber Loses License
Glory holes before haircuts? Friends in low places.

‘Operation Haircut’: Michigan Barbers Defy Lockdown, Offer Haircuts On Capitol Lawn
Middle finger salute to their fascist governor.

Illinois Governor Pritzker(D) Threatens Business Owners with a Year in Prison if  They Try to Reopen
This just in: Lamp posts are still for fascists.

Update: Illinois State Police Defy Tyrannical Governor — WILL NOT Arrest, Jail  Business Owners for Breaking Lockdown
God bless patriots.

California: Give Us Money Or We'll Fire Cops and Firefighters
Predictable Alinsky extortion tactic: The state has ONE JOB - public safety -, so  THERE is where it will cut funds unless YOU capitulate. Again, Lamp posts are still  for fascists.

Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks  Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion

Trump Admin Indefinitely Extends Authority That Allows Immediate Return Of Illegal  Aliens
"Tragesser’s comments reflect a deteriorating situation in Latin America. While the  U.S. has made strides in controlling the viral outbreak stateside, the disease is  spreading more rapidly south of the border. President Donald Trump confirmed on  Tuesday that he is considering a travel ban on Brazil as cases dramatically rise  there."
Leftists to scream "RACISM" in 4, 3, 2, ....

CDC Director: Actually, The Country Is Ready To Reopen
"On Thursday, the CDC released several documents, including updated guidelines for  schools, child care centers, restaurants, bars, and subways on how to return to  “normal” after coronavirus-related lockdowns are lifted. Last week, the agency  released a guide on how businesses could disinfect public spaces efficiently and  effectively."
Actually, much of the country has already reopened without you, pal. Bureaucrats. smh

U.N.: Stop Using Gender-Based Language. Social Media: Shut Up.
"The United Nations’ concern with political correctness at a time of a global  pandemic, not to mention its coddling of some of the most brutal regimes on earth,  triggered myriad tweets mocking it."
The U.N. is a corrupt, impotent money pit that harbors terrorists. It's time to  kick it out of the USA.

Gallup: Trump Approval Rating Higher Than Four of the Last Six Presidents,  Including Bush and Obama
"This can't just be an outlier poll at this point."

Mike Pompeo Says He Won’t Be Taking Ethics Advice From Sen. Robert Menendez, Cites  Criminal Prosecution
"Pompeo then noted that the criticism was coming from Menendez’ office, adding, “I  don’t get my ethics guidance from a man who was criminally prosecuted. Case number  15-155.”
Menedez gets his jollies from 14 y.o prostitutes in Latin America. Allegedly.

Fact check: True

H/t: Maggies Farm