Videos WhatFinger

Monday, November 30, 2009

Climate-gate: Standing on the Shoulders of "The Dog Ate My Homework"

East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit threw out their raw data.

Gee, that kinda makes it hard to follow the scientific method and peer review their results, don't it?

This makes the Left's dogmatic objections to "deniers" all the more puzzling.

This video may clarify things.

Die, Cap-n-tax, die!

"Internationally, world leaders finally acknowledged that the recession has sapped them of their political power to impose devastating new carbon-restrictions. China and India are clear they won't join the West in an economic suicide pact. Next month's summit in Copenhagen is a bust. Instead of producing legally binding agreements, it will be dogged by queries about the legitimacy of the scientists who wrote the reports that form its basis.

The next opportunity to get international agreement is in Mexico City, 2010—a U.S. election year. Democrats were already publicly acknowledging there will be no domestic climate legislation in 2009 and privately acknowledging their great unease at passing a huge energy tax on Americans headed for a midterm vote.

Add to that the CRU scandal, which pivots the focus to potential fraud. Republicans are launching investigations, and the pressure is building on Democrats to hold hearings, since climate scientists were funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars. Mr. Inhofe's office this week sent letters to federal agencies and outside scientists warning them not to delete their own CRU-related emails and documents, which may also be subject to Freedom of Information requests."

What a wicked web we do weave, when first we practice to deceive.

Hmm. Liberalism defined.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Danger! There Be Dragons

I'm a fan of Diversity Lane, a right-leaning, online cartoon that pokes fun at the cognitive dissonance of Liberal thought.

The current glowbull warming scam is included in that dissonance and frequently skewered utilizing the concept of "The Running Joke" - a concept apparently lost on many of the Lefties, and one the cartoonist attempts to explain using logic & reason; a big mistake.

You see, logic and reason is lost on Leftists. It will do nothing but confuse and anger them, with invective and vitriol as your reward.

It’s why Lefties proudly proclaim themselves to be tolerant & open minded.

A cartoon is a cartoon. Either enjoy it or ignore it. But, if you have to explain it, Danger! There Be Dragons.

Psalm 109:8 - Prayer for Obama Perverse & Wrong

From ABC News:
"A nice sentiment?

Maybe not.

The psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."

Presidential criticism through witty slogans is nothing new. Bumper stickers, t-shirts and hats with "1/20/09" commemorated President Bush's last day in office.

But the verse immediately following the psalm referenced is a bit more ominous: "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."

Psalm 109 in its entirety can be found here.

The merchandise in question was sold at an online store called "Cafe Press" (no link). That online store is open to anyone with the monthly fee, an entrepreneurial spirit and products to sell.

Think Progress is reporting that the merchandise is no longer for sale.

And I say "Amen!" Psalm 109 is referred to as a " imprecatory prayer", and is loudly denounced in modern Christian philosophy. It's offensive & counter-productive, to say the least.

Of course, this blather is not nearly as aggressive and vile as the wishful violence of assassination chic spewed for 8 years, by the Left, upon George Bush. The most disgusting example was the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival 'faux documentary' depicting the assassination of G.W. Bush. Oddly enough, the above ABC news article neglected to mention any of those facts.

In short, right or left, death wishes have NO PLACE in political discourse. The ballot box is the only place to remove your rivals. Period.

Thankfully, when so-called "rightwing" Christian whackjobs spew their cranial diarrhea, they are loudly denounced and marginalized as the aberrant nutjobs that they are.

Unfortunately, "Leftwing" Christian nutballs are too often embraced by our liberal brethren.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Newsday Regrets Publishing "Mallard Fillmore" Cartoon

Because all the Lefties wet themselves in protest. NRO has more.

Although, I bet no Lefties squawked when Larry David peed on a picture of Jesus Christ. Perhaps if Mr. David had used a picture of Obama, instead...

Sacred cows. Go figure.


"Hate Crime" Backlash Against Muslims Miniscule

So says 2008 FBI stats. Via Weasel Zippers.

Update: After reading through the FBI stats, I noticed there was no category for "I really kinda like you crime."

Maybe my ADD got the better of me...


CIA Seeks Arab Speaking Recruits in Michigan

From an appeased Reuters:

CIA goes hiring in heart of Arab America By Soyoung Kim

"DEARBORN, Michigan (Reuters) - At Tuhama's Lebanese deli in Dearborn, and at bakeries and barbershops throughout town, it's no secret the CIA is looking for a few good spies.

"There is a lot of talk, and nobody likes it," said Hamze Chehade, a 48-year-old Lebanese-American, taking a bite of his chicken shawarma.

In dire need of agents fluent in Arabic, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency has made an unusual public show of its recruiting effort in Dearborn -- a city of 100,000 with the densest Arab population in the United States.

The agency has bought full-page ads in Arabic-language newspapers and it is rolling out TV ads aimed at luring Arab-Americans and Iranian-Americans to spycraft.

But despite a weak economy and high unemployment, the CIA will find it hard to hire here, residents say. Many see U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East as misguided and anger over the perceived mistreatment of Arab-Americans runs deep.

It won't be easy to win hearts and minds here, they say.

"If anyone goes, they would be just going for the money, not following the heart," said Chehade, a cabinet-maker who immigrated from Lebanon 21 years ago.

CIA recruiters said the agency sorely needs speakers of Arabic and other languages due to the intensifying insurgency in Afghanistan and the continuing U.S. occupation of Iraq."

"...not following the heart?" Why would that be, if these immigrants wish to defend & protect the open democratic society which allowed the freedom for them to immigrate, live and worship, in the first place?

I'm no expert, but perhaps Sura 4:92 in the Koran provides that answer. Or not. Still, actions speak louder than words:
"Dawud Walid, head of the Michigan branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, agreed that many Arab-Americans were torn between feelings of patriotism and resentment of U.S. government policy at home and abroad.

"I think transparency will do a lot more than airing TV commercials. There's a large amount of fear and mistrust with the government," Walid said.

People of Middle Eastern origin make up more than one-third of Dearborn's 100,000 residents, an influx that began a hundred years ago when Henry Ford hired Lebanese immigrants to work in the nearby River Rouge plant. More recently, many Iraqi refugees have also settled in Dearborn.

On Warren Avenue, where signs in Arabic outnumber those in English, other residents said they doubted the CIA would find many willing recruits in Dearborn.

"It's not lack of patriotism. It's questioning of wrong policy," said Mohammed, a 24-year-old graduate student of Libyan descent who asked not to use his last name.

Inside Tuhama's, Chehade said he would warn his adult sons to consider the consequences of signing on with the CIA.

"People are going to hate you," he said."

"Chinatown." "Little Italy." Now, "Dearbornistan." Plus, "don't be snitch" - Arabic style.

It's Not One World

Sudanese Girl Lashed 50 Times for "Indecent" skirt

"KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A 16-year-old south Sudanese girl was lashed 50 times after a judge ruled her knee-length skirt was indecent, her lawyer and family said in the latest case to push Sudan's Islamic law into the spotlight.

The mother of teenager Silva Kashif told Reuters on Friday she was planning to sue the police who made the arrest and the judge who imposed the sentence, as her daughter was underage and a Christian.

The case will add fuel to a debate already raging over Sudan's decency laws after this year's high-profile conviction of Sudanese U.N. official Lubna Hussein, who was briefly jailed for wearing trousers in public."

Islamic law is also known as "Sharia law", and is believed by most Muslims as God's own law for daily living - even in Western nations to which Muslims immigrate.

To the Western observer, Sharia law is brutal & unforgiving - especially toward females. Last week
"A 20-year-old woman divorcee accused of committing adultery in Somalia has been stoned to death by Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people... Her boyfriend was given 100 lashes.

BBC East Africa correspondent Will Ross says the stoning is at least the fourth for adultery in Somalia over the last year."

Muslims also frequently use Sharia law to justify honor killings of female family members.

These examples are why we here at locomotivebreath1901 refer to Islam as "the religion of brutalizing and murdering women."

And isn't it strange how Code Pinko, NOW and Hollyweird beautiful people are silent on this institutionalized violence against women? Perhaps they are all following Dear leader's example of respecting the multi-culturalism.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday Night Hoop-la

Ghost Riders in the Sky.

A cautionary tale & darn fine piece of cowboy music sung by the late, great Johnny Cash.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dead Mule Good Enough for Gub'mint Work

Barney & Timothy bought a mule from a local livestock dealer. The livestock dealer promised to deliver the mule the next day.

The next afternoon, the livestock dealer drove up and said, "Sorry, boys, but I have some bad news. The mule died."

Barney & Timothy replied, "Well, then, just give us our money back."

The livestock dealer said, "Can't do that. I went and spent it already."

Barney & Timothy told him, "Well, OK then. Just unload the mule."

The livestock dealer queried, "What ya gonna do with a dead mule?"

Barney & Timothy calmly replied, "We're gonna raffle him off."

"You can't raffle off a dead mule!" said the shocked livestock dealer.

"Sure can," the boys snorted. "We just won't tell anybody he's dead."

Two weeks later all three meet up in town.

Right out of the gate, the livestock dealer wanted to know whatever happened with that dead mule?

Barney & Timothy told him, "We raffled him off, just like we said we would. Sold 500 tickets at $2 each!"

The Livestock dealer was stunned. "Didn't anyone complain?!"

"Just the guy who won," the boys stated with sly grins. "So we gave him his two dollars back."

Barney & Timothy now work for the federal gub'mint. They're overseeing the bailout program.

The livestock dealer is running for congress.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

**(This is a repost from last year. Just remember, this is not 'turkey day!' It's Thanksgiving - giving thanks to GOD for his Grace, Mercy and Blessings upon us. I'll be back soon with more words of dubious wisdom and poking alligators with sticks. On with the show...)

(I'm sure I'll be receiving a nasty protest for traumatizing lil kids from Michelle Raheja, real soon.)

Meanwhile, those of us with a life, might enjoy a little historical reality refresher course.

From The American Spectator; in it's entirety:

The Pilgrims' Financial Crisis by Peter Ferrara.

"The Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 were an idealistic lot. They were part of the broader Puritan movement believing that the Anglican Church, recognized in law as the official church of England, had strayed from true Christianity. The Puritans were devoted to the Bible as the only true source of Christian doctrine and practice and objected to Anglican traditions and practices that had been added over the years from outside of the Bible.

The Puritans more generally wanted to reform and purify the Anglican church from within. But the Pilgrims were a subset of Puritans that wanted to separate themselves from the Anglican church entirely and practice their own true form of Christianity on their own. The Anglicans in turn persecuted the Puritans as heretics rebelling against the officially recognized Church of England and their obligations to it under the law.

This is what led the Pilgrims to leave England seeking full religious freedom. First they migrated to the Netherlands, which practiced religious tolerance of alternative religions. But the English Puritans wanted their children to grow up in an English culture, not as Dutchmen. That is why after a few years they sought to establish their own colony in the New World, where they could control their own government, religion and culture.

Due to unexpected delays, wandering off course, and searching for the best settlement site, the Mayflower, carrying 102 settlers, finally anchored at what was to become the settlement of Plymouth on December 21, 1620, the dead of winter. William Bradford, destined to become the second governor of the colony and the longest serving, wrote in his diary while still on the ship and contemplating "this poor people's present condition":

Being thus passed the vast ocean, they had now no friends to welcome them, nor inns to entertain or refresh their weatherbeaten bodies; no houses or much less towns to repair to, or to seek for succor….And for the season it was winter, and they know that the winters of that country [are] sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms, dangerous to travel to known places, much more to search an unknown coast. Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men—and what multitudes there might be of them they know not….If they looked behind them, there was the mighty ocean which they had passed and was now as a main bar and gulf to separate them from all the civil parts of the world….What could now sustain them but the spirit of God and his grace?

In these precarious conditions, it was natural for them to work together and share their food and shelter. Even so, 45 of the original 102 died that first winter, including 13 of the original adult women, with one more passing away in May. During 1621, they discovered a couple of English speaking Indians, who had learned the language from fishermen hauling off fish from the New England coast, but who had not settled. This included the famed Squanto, who showed the settlers how to best hunt, fish, plant, and mine essential commodities in the New World, served as their exploration guide, and developed their relations with the surrounding Indian tribes.

By 1623, four additional ships of settlers had arrived. The colony had initially prospered just collecting wild growing food, and securing plentiful game such as turkeys and deer providing venison, supplemented by their own agriculture. Given their religious devotion, their concern for personal wealth was not a top issue for them, and even in that time idealistic notions of communal property and sharing communal resources as offering an ideal society of happiness had a strong appeal for those striking out to start a new civilization from scratch.

But as the colony grew, this initial quasi-socialist community of share and share alike was not working to produce enough for essential basic needs, let alone the prosperity that was expected in the new world.
Available wild supplies of food, in particular, were no longer enough. Bradford again wrote in his dairy,

All this while no supply [of wild corn] was heard of, neither knew they when they might expect any. So they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not thus languish in misery. At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefist amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things go on in the general way as before. And so assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number, for that end….This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn; which before would allege weakness and inability, whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.

As indicated, this experiment in private agriculture was hugely successful, with the colony's agricultural output soaring. But the settlers still increasingly complained that the colony's remaining communal practices and lack of complete private property were constraining and unfair. Bradford wrote further in his diary in 1623,

The experience that was had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years and that amongst godly and sober men, may well evince the vanity of that conceit of Plato's and other ancients applauded of by some of later times; that the taking away of property and bringing in community into a commonwealth would make them happy and flourishing, as if they were wiser than God. For this community…was found to breed much confusion and discontent and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For the young men, that were most able and fit for labor and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children without any recompense. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could; this was thought injustice….And for men's wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc., they deemed it a kind of slavery….Let none object this is men's corruption, and nothing to the course [meaning communal policy] itself. I answer, seeing all men have this corruption in them, God in his wisdom saw another course fitter for them.

Thus was capitalism born in America, sentimental notions of socialism having been tried and failed, not only as a matter of economics, but also because it was seen as a regime of unjust restrictions on personal liberty.
The colony adopted private property and free trade, ending its own critical financial crisis, and creating the trademark bountiful American prosperity, which drew waves of new settlers seeking the American dream that had already been born.

THE COLONY OF JAMESTOWN, established even earlier in Virginia in 1607, was quite different. Its settlers were not idealistic separatists seeking religious freedom, but entrepreneurs seeking riches. The English government wisely contracted out settlement of the New World, in this case chartering the Virginia Company of London in 1606 to finance and maintain settlements in Virginia, through funds raised from private investors. The company obtained and fitted out three ships carrying 105 passengers, which departed England for the New World in December, 1606.

Arriving in the more hospitable spring season of 1607 in the more friendly Virginia climate, its venturers immediately started searching for the gold and other easy riches the Spanish had so readily found in their New World explorations. But Virginia did not offer such quick riches. With the settlement party composed more of businessmen and aristocrats not accustomed to the manual labor necessary for survival in the New World, the settlement was soon in danger of failure. The aristocrats expected others to provide for their basic needs. Those capable and willing to build shelter, hunt for game, and raise food were not willing to yield to the heavy effective taxation that would be needed to provide for the entire settlement through their own work alone. Thus Jamestown faced a similar financial crisis as the later Pilgrims.

Fortunately, the renowned and practical adventurer Captain John Smith was elected President of the colony in 1608. His focus was survival for the colony and its settlers, rather than quick riches. He established extensive relations with the surrounding Indian population to gain a quick source of food. This led to his celebrated romance with the Indian princess Pocahontas.

Then, to deal with his non-working aristocrats, Smith adopted as Colony policy the principle of "He who does not work does not eat." With the resulting newfound incentives, colony productivity and output soared, along with the survival rate among the settlers, which climbed to over 90%. This brings to mind the workfare Reagan sought to establish in California and Washington, which saw fruition in the welfare reforms the Congressional Republican majorities adopted under Speaker Newt Gingrich in 1996.

This new capitalist policy solved the financial crisis of Jamestown as well. By 1613, enterprising colonist John Rolfe, who later married Pocahontas, introduced tobacco farming. This proved to be "black gold" for the colony, with a lucrative market for the crop quickly developing in Europe, which led to an explosion of prosperity in Virginia. Waves of new settlers flowed in here as well, seeking again the new American dream of prosperity and freedom.
In his later writing promoting settlement of the New World, Smith wrote, "Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labor and land….If he have nothing but his hands, he may…by industrie quickly grow rich."

TODAY, WE KNOW as well how to solve our own financial crisis and restore American prosperity. Besides the experience of the early colonists, we have the more direct recent experience of the historic Reagan economic boom. If we cut tax rates for workers, corporations, investors and entrepreneurs, we increase the reward and consequently the incentive for productive activity, as in Plymouth and in Jamestown. If we reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens, then we reduce costs on the economy, and so also increase the reward for pro-growth engagements. Removing regulations in particular that prevent production of oil, gas, and nuclear power would provide a reliable supply of low cost energy also stimulating economic growth. We also need stricter anti-inflation monetary policies for the Fed, whose loose monetary policies in recent years was the fundamental cause of the housing bubble, that lies at the root of the meltdown of major financial institutions we are suffering now. Reduced government spending burdens also reduces unnecessary costs for the economy. Free trade further promotes prosperity for all.

This is all simple, direct, undeniable logic, proven by thousands of years of human economic experience. The bigger problem for America now is not the financial crisis, but that our political fashion is stuck on stupid, wanting to take us in exactly the opposite direction of where we need to go to restore our prosperity. Instead of Reaganomics, our new political leaders want to pursue Hugo Chavez economics. Their badly misled followers are lost in a soft-headed dreamworld. But their leaders know where they are going. What they are after is not maximum prosperity for all, but voter dependency to cement their political power.

The American people will eventually figure this out, rediscover the timeless principles of human economics, and reject the comparative poverty of government redistribution in favor of the traditional American prosperity and freedom established by our nation's founders. The real question is how much the America people will have to suffer until that happens. "

[Peter Ferrara is director of budget and entitlement policy at the Institute for Policy Innovation and general counsel for the American Civil Rights Union. He formerly served in President Reagan's White House Office of Policy Development, and as Associate Deputy Attorney General of the United States under the first President Bush. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.]

Update: PS:: Happy "Oogedy-Boogedy" to Kathleen Parker. MM has a wonderful tale of courage about a woman and her family who over-come, adapt & improvise - instead of sticking out their hand.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Angelina Jolie Not a Fan of Obama

"She's into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise," adds the source"

What disguise?

Although I still think she is a home wrecking slutress, there maybe hope for her, yet.


Missouri Billboard's Call to Arms Has Lefties Messing Diapers

The hyperbole of politics is fraught with the language of war: "war chest; battle ground; faction; war room; enemies list; If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun; etc.

And despite the fact that history proves Anarchists & Leftists are frequent perpetrators of violence, destruction & presidential assassinations, the Lefties still demagogue the faux spectre of 'right wingnut radicals' as the greatest threat the world has ever known, blah, blah blah.

So, it comes as no surprise that our friends over at the oddly named 'Think Progress' have messed themselves over the above Missouri billboard which enumerates several bullet points for non-violent political actions - a revolution, as it were, to wrest power from a corrupt gub'mint and return it to the people. Plus, some big red hyperbole at the bottom.

I live thirty minutes from this bill board, but have never seen it in person, have never spoken to any neighbor about it, and only know of its existence from all the smoke blowing in from Left field.

No. We won't join you in any violence.

This questionable exercise of expensive free speech out on I-70 is most certainly a calculation for effect - that mostly goes unnoticed.

Kinda like this one, in the same place, from several months ago.

You know, of course, this means war! - Bugs Bunny

Key Scientist says Politics Behind Stolen E-Mails's jeering rejoinder: "Well, of course, you ninny. That's how this stuff gets exposed."

But the worst derision comes from the Warmer's own delusion that their motives & methods are somehow apolitical.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Louisiana Democrat Named Her Price & Established the Type of Woman She is.

I ferget - is this the first or second oldest profession?

Graphic courtesy of IOTW

China Asks Obama "Will you wear a condom?"

Or was it "Will You Respect Me at the End of Your Administration?" Something always gets lost in translation.

And, if Obama has lost SNL, has he lost middle America? Or is Sarah Palin's whirlwind book tour simply not a target rich environment for the lampooners this week?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Times Have Changed

From the King James Bible; 1 Samuel 17:41-49,

41 And the Philistine came on and drew near unto David; and the man that bare the shield went before him. 42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. 43 And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44 And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field. 45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. 46 This day will the LORD deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. 47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands.

48 And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came, and drew nigh to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine. 49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took thence a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell upon his face to the earth.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

WTC Attacks: What's the Difference Between 1993 & 2001?

No, smart aleck, the answer is not "8".

From "What Has Changed?" by Robert P. Kirchhoefer at the Am. Spectator:

"Unlike the 1993 attack and unlike the apprehension of 9/11 co-conspirator Moussaoui, those accused of planning the 9/11 terrorist attacks were all apprehended outside of the United States. They were imprisoned outside of the United States. Most were apprehended well after the United States had launched the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. These enemy combatants who were caught overseas have no need of being brought to America as if they were NYC cab drivers, tourists, or preachers in a lower Manhattan mosque. They were not.

Attorney General Holder states that we are using all of our options in the prosecution of these terrorists:

We are at war, and we will use every instrument of national power -- civilian, military, law enforcement, intelligence, diplomatic and others -- to win.…

"Every instrument" should also include the military tribunals. Military tribunals are military actions. They are for wartime activities. To date, over 5,000 soldiers have lost their lives fighting this war. This is not a police action nor is it a limited engagement. This is, as Mr. Holder stated, a call for "every instrument of national power." But Mr. Holder fails to grasp the significance of his own words. He fails to recognize that we have other options and other instruments. Why won't we use them?"

This question of "Why?" has some congress critters scratching their heads, as well. One of the few Democrats I still have respect for - fellow Missourian, Ike Skelton (D-MO 4th District) - is pushing this curiosity for a Congressional hearing, not that it will do much good, based upon the sorry history of these impotent weasel-fests.

But, EM over at HA says the normally conservative, very pro-military Skelton may have the clout in which to hobble Holder's unwise civilian prosecution of Khalid:
"After all, it was a Democratic Congress that passed the current military commissions system, working with a Republican President, to find a system that would get the blessing of the Supreme Court while maintaining security for our war efforts in intelligence. Without the Democrats in 2007, there would have been no military commissions system at all. That default would have forced KSM and everyone else at Gitmo into federal court eventually, an outcome that few wanted to see … at least in 2007."

I wonder who was POTUS in 2007?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Night Hoop-la

The longtime reader of this blog (thanx, Mom!) knows my kid has been enlisted in this United States Army lo these last four & half years.

Here it is, three tours in Iraq (Tal Afar, Ramadi, & Styker/Bahgdad), one 15 month stop loss and a few months being a slacker in Ft. Drum NY later, and my girl has her DD214 in hand. She'll be home for Christmas. Amen!

Thank you. We're all so very proud of you. So, without further ado...

Spin Doctors - "Little Miss Can't Be Wrong"
(be patient, a 30 second commercial precedes)

Spirit Lake Sioux Sue North Dakota to Keep Fighting Sioux Name @ UND

(And they say English is a difficult language.)

"North Dakota's top prosecutor said the state will seek to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Spirit Lake Sioux tribal members who want the University of North Dakota to keep its Fighting Sioux nickname.

Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem met with state Board of Higher Education members behind closed doors Thursday to update them on the state's response, which is expected to be filed by next week. A judge has barred the board from taking any action on the nickname issue until after a Dec. 9 hearing.

Stenehjem said the tribal members will have a hard time with that order, issued last week by Northeast District Judge Michael Sturdevant.

"They have to be able to show the judge they're going to win the lawsuit," he said. "I think that's a difficult standard."

The board has said it will retire the nickname unless the state's Sioux tribes sign 30-year agreements to support it. The board originally set an Oct. 1 deadline, but extended it to Nov. 30 because of tribal elections on the Standing Rock reservation.

Pat Morley, an attorney for the tribal members, said the Spirit Lake and Standing Rock Sioux tribes should have until Nov. 30, 2010, to decide whether to support the nickname and logo."

North Dakota Board of Higher Education.

Obviously, these pointed headed academics hate Red people. Racism, plain and si...

Oops. Wrong race pimpin' wilderness. The Jesse Jackson Black Man outrage was yesterday's headline.

Unfortunately, the P.C. sword cuts both ways, and the North Dakota AJ is correct: "The board has the right to make decisions concerning operation of state universities."

In this age of lawyers, unless ALL the N.D. Sioux tribes give name-use permission to the University, and cut-off any war party of parasites, er, I mean lawyers, seeking to sue the pants off the university (for being so very un-P.C.), the local Spirit Lake Sioux tribe will likely lose this lawsuit to keep the "Fighting Sioux" at the University of North Dakota.


It's Not One World

We may not be at war with Islam, but apparently, it's at war with us.

American imam defends Ft Hood Massacre.

Watch the entire 7 minute video and try to follow this sick clown's twisted logic.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another Obama Nominee Runs into Tax Problems

Obama's Sect'y of the Treasury Timothy Geithner's tax evasion was the stuff of headlines earlier this year - as were failed nominee for Sect'y of Health and Human Services, Tom Daschle(D).

Now comes another 'unpatriotic' democrat.

"Obama’s nominee for undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs, Lael Brainard, is the fifth presidential nominee to reveal tax issues during the congressional vetting process.

Brainard was late in paying real estate taxes in 2005, 2006 and 2007 on property in Northern Virginia, according to the report by the Senate Finance Committee staff.

The report also challenges the accuracy of a deduction Brainard claimed for running an office from her home.
The challenge led Brainard to reduce the deduction on her 2008 return, though she declined to adjust returns for 2005, 2006 and 2007, telling committee staff she used a reasonable method to calculate the deductions.

Brainard is current in all her taxes, said Treasury spokesman Andrew Williams."

Tsk, tsk. If these people can't be faithful in the little things (like paying their own property taxes), how on earth can we expect them to be faithful in the international monetary system?

And ever wonder why these so-called progressives - like the ones Pres. Obama tries to pack into his inner circle - have such a hard time paying their fair share, but no problems spending other people's money?

October 2009 Third COOLEST on Record

From the NOAA National Climatic Data Center:

"The average October temperature of 50.8°F was 4.0°F below the 20th Century average and ranked as the 3rd coolest based on preliminary data.

For the nation as a whole, it was the third coolest October on record. The month was marked by an active weather pattern that reinforced unseasonably cold air behind a series of cold fronts. Temperatures were below normal in eight of the nation's nine climate regions, and of the nine, five were much below normal. Only the Southeast climate region had near normal temperatures for October."

Yes, I know, weather is not climate - but climate is comprised of weather patterns.

And speaking of patterns... Watching Gore make a complete scientific idiot of himself on national TV: priceless

Related: Obama retreats on climate change treaty.
"The 192-nation climate conference beginning in three weeks in Copenhagen had originally been intended to produce a new global climate-change treaty. Hopes for that have dimmed lately. But comments by Obama and fellow leaders at a hastily arranged breakfast meeting here on the sidelines of an Asia-Pacific summit served to put the final nail in any remaining expectations for the December summit. "

Because real science doesn't support the 'urgency'? Nope. Because it's not politically expedient. Yet.

Hollyweird's Most Overpaid Stars

Hey! Mr. President. Where's that pay czar??!

Will Ferrell tops list of actors who cost more than their box office worth.

(It's even worse when they venture into politics.)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How’s the Dithering Going?

During the early months of the American civil war, President Lincoln had to contend with the ineffectual (and some say traitorous) General George McClellan. No matter how much men and material Lincoln supplied, McClellan simply would not engage the armies of the South.

McClellan was eventually relieved of command.

That was once upon a time. Now that it's twice upon a time, the opposite is true.

As the war in Afghanistan rages, and American casualties mount, it's been over two months since Gen. Stanley McChrystal requested an additional 40,000 troops from his commander-in-chief, only to hear in reply, "The check is in the mail." It seems our own modern day 'Lincoln' has proved himself to be timid, undecisive and impotent.

Today we hear, once again, that Obama is 'close' to Afghan decision:

"President Barack Obama says he is "very close" to deciding whether to send more troops to Afghanistan and will announce his decision within "several weeks".

Mr Obama also told CNN in China his new strategy would emphasise an "endgame".

I always thought the 'end game' was victory?

CBS: Obama ‘Outraged’ Over Leaks About Afghanistan Indecision.

Obviously, Pres. Obama has more important things to deal with first.

Meanwhile, his poll numbers continue their rapid race to the bottom.

While in China, Mr. President, I suggest you look up some wisdom. Confucius say "Sh*t or get off pot."

California Again Faces Massive Budget Deficit

As much as $21 billion dollars.

"Nonpartisan Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor projected state spending severely out of line with tax collections not just amid the current recession but for years to come. Solving the fiscal mess will require "painful choices" in both cutting services and raising revenue, Taylor warned.

The gloomy forecast, which comes after Sacramento officials have already raised taxes and slashed programs this year, portends a fierce budget battle again in 2010."

Recession crippled economy. Check.
Falling tax revenue. Check.
Deficit spending. Check.
Possible bankruptcy of state govt. Check.

Thank God California is tackling the important issues first:

New California Rules Ban Inefficient TVs
" Using more efficient televisions will require lower operation of power plants, which could cut air pollution like nitrous oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide and soot by nearly 880 metric tons per year, the commission said. It could also cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than 3 million metric tons per year and reduce mercury contamination in the environment, as efficient TVs use less mercury, the CEC said. The rules will mean savings for consumers of nearly $20 a year per television, in lower electricity bills, the commission said."

Worship the Gaia. Because thwarting consumer choice, restricting sales tax revenue, banning power plant construction and the resultant jobs not created is such a progressive thing to do.

And everyone can do so much with an extra $20 per year savings. Especially the California unemployed fleeing that state of disaster.

Arrogant Dissonance at its Finest

From the Left, of course.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sarah VS the AP: Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

"AP" stands for "Agit Prop."

"Imagine that – 11 AP reporters dedicating time and resources to tearing up the book, instead of using the time and resources to “fact check” what’s going on with Sheik Mohammed’s trial, Pelosi’s health care takeover costs, Hasan’s associations, etc. Amazing."

11 lefties against one righty. OK. Now it's a fair fight.

Plus, more booring: wasted ink and cheese cake at Newsweek. They give the most attention to whom they fear most...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Night Hoop-la

The Spencer Davis Group-Gimme Some Lovin'

Malevolent Moppets at MSNBC Taunt Sarah Palin

Still and again.*

I've mentioned once or twice that I'm not a big fan of Palin as a political candidate. Perhaps she simply needs to age, in a Margaret Thatcher sort of way.

I know politics is a dirty business, but I've never seen the torrential flood of political misogyny, religious bigotry & wishful violence spewed by the Left upon this one woman and her family.

I guess that's how Lefties define 'tolerance & inclusion.'

The malevolent moppets at MSNBC continue the adolescent taunts by using year old faked photos in a recent tabloid tattle tale (I'm loathe to call what they do as 'news').

Says AP at HA, "Nothing says “progressive” like a prominent woman politician photoshopped into various states of undress."

Malevolent moppets, all, and I'm tired of the lot of 'em.

*MSNBC is owned by the General Electric Corp. Earlier this year, G.E. received a $126 billion taxpayer-funded bailout from the federal gub'mint.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, USMC

234 years strong.


When Lily White Racist Anti-Tax Pro-Life Militias Attack...

Or not.

Dr. Hasan Now Needed to Treat MSM Melancholy of Un-materialized Desired Narrative.

More wicked funny from IowaHawk to illustrate a sadly serious point.

Plus, dangerously pathetic: MSNBC's Chris Matthews leg tinkles, "That's not a crime to call up al Qaeda, is it?"

MSNBC is owned by the General Electric Corp. Earlier this year, G.E. received a $126 billion taxpayer-funded bailout from the federal gub'mint.

Barack Napolitano's Dangerous Profile

In April, 2009, a DHS domestic intelligence report, that was supposed to be for law enforcement eyes only, was leaked and quickly spread across the inter tubes. The report specifically singled out "right-wing extremist groups" - returning war vets, pro-lifers, gun rights advocates, anti-tax groups, et al.

No specific threats were notated. Nor was there any mention of radical Islam.

Janet Napolitano, head of the DHS, was quick to defend the report:

"We are on the lookout for criminal and terrorist activity but we do not -- nor will we ever -- monitor ideology or political beliefs," Napolitano said in the statement. "We take seriously our responsibility to protect the civil rights and liberties of the American people, including subjecting our activities to rigorous oversight from numerous internal and external sources."

Later in April, Napolitano apologized to the American Legion for the report:
"Napolitano blamed one of her agency's analysts for prematurely sending out the intelligence assessment to law enforcement, according to Craig Roberts, an American Legion member who attended the meeting."

Lefties at the gub'mint subsidized Nat'l Public Radio (NPR) puzzled their puzzler till it hurt and wondered "was her mea culpa really necessary?"

Nov., 2009:

12 Soldiers Killed; 31 Wounded in Ft. Hood Shooting; One Suspect Killed

Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Ft. Hood Gunman is alive; Was He Part of Obama's Transition Team?

We May Not Be at War with Islam, but Apparently Islam at War with Us

Muslim soldier Nidal Hasan to fellow military doctors: “We love death more then (sic) you love life!”

Thousands Expected at Ft. Hood Memorial Today.
"At the memorial service, the names of the 13 killed wil be read aloud, along with a 21-gun salute.

The families of those 13 victims will be in attendance.

The president will also be among an estimated five thousand people."

I wonder if Janet will be there?

Political Reality Intrudes into the Unicorn Forest

Monday, November 09, 2009

Party Like Its 1989: Berlin Wall Falls; Obama Votes 'Present'

From the AP, devoid of Cold War context:

"(AP) BERLIN (AP) - With prayers, music and pomp, Germany on Monday remembered the 20th anniversary of the day the Berlin Wall fell, sending East Germans flooding west and setting in motion events that soon led to the country's reunification.

Chancellor Angela Merkel - reunited Germany's first leader to grow up in the communist east - started the day with President Horst Koehler and other leaders at a prayer service at a former East Berlin church that was a rallying point for opposition activists in 1989.

"We remember the tears of joy, the faces of delight, the liberation," Lutheran Bishop Wolfgang Huber told the congregation at the Gethsemane Church.

East Germany's fortified border crumbled on the evening of Nov. 9, 1989, after 28 years holding in the country's citizens - a pivotal moment in the collapse of communism in Europe that followed a confused announcement by a senior official.

At the end of a plodding news conference, Politburo spokesman Guenter Schabowski offhandedly said East Germany was lifting restrictions on travel across its border with West Germany.

Pressed on when the regulation would take effect, he looked down at his notes and stammered: "As far as I know, this enters into force ... this is immediately, without delay."

Schabowski has said he didn't know that the change wasn't supposed to be announced until the following morning.

East Berliners streamed toward border crossings. Facing huge crowds and lacking instructions, border guards opened the gates - and the wall was on its way into history.

Merkel said she was among the East Germans who, hearing Schabowski's words, thought "something might happen on the evening of Nov. 9." Like many others, she made her way across.

"We were speechless and happy," the 55-year-old recalled in an interview with ARD television.

Music from Bon Jovi and Beethoven was to recall the joy of the border's opening, which led to German reunification less than a year later and the swift demolition of most of the wall - which snaked around West Berlin, a capitalist enclave deep inside East Germany, for 96 miles (155 kilometers).

Memorials also were planned to the 136 people killed trying to cross the border. Candles were lit and 1,000 towering plastic foam dominoes placed along the wall's route to be tipped over.

Also expected in Berlin for the ceremonies were the leaders of all 27 European Union countries and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev.

But no mention, whatsoever, of Dear Leader's conspicuous absence from the festivities. I wonder if Zombie Reagan was sent an invite?

Plus, true to dissonant liberal fashion, that low tower of amoral, mis-guided youths, MTV, erects a stage wall to block the view of a free, televised concert to celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall.
"True, there were no minefields or watchtowers, but the new temporary wall erected before the performance certainly sent the wrong signals.

Only 10,000 fans in possession of previously allocated free tickets were allowed to pass through the checkpoints — yes, checkpoints — to listen to the Irish band.

“It’s completely ridiculous that they are blocking the view,” said Louis-Pierre Boily, 23, a Canadian who failed to get tickets."

This irony is sure to be lost on those wards of the modern day nanny state, nursed on MTV pablum.

So how about a lil Cold War context? Why we celebrate the fall of the Wall.
"Today, through the lens of historical hindsight, what happened seems preordained: a terrible system of government and a wrong-headed system of economics collapsing on themselves. But at the time, or at least just before the time, not many people believed or dared to hope that the landscape of Europe would or could change so rapidly – and peacefully.

A continent scarred by war and divided by barbed wire has now been unified for two decades. In a world of continuing turmoil, instability and terrorism, with its leading country beset by enormous problems of its own making, with shifts of economic and political power occurring, what a wonderful celebration we can allow ourselves on this 20th anniversary."

"Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!"

Sunday, November 08, 2009

A Popular Mandate

The Hero of Ft. Hood Massacre: Sgt. Kimberly Munley

Her nick name is "mighty mouse", but her two daughters simply call her "Mom."

"Just three minutes after Hasan shot up his fellow soldiers, Munley tracked him down outside a pre-deployment facility and unloaded on him at close range.

"She fired on him twice and drew the attention toward her. He immediately spun around and charged her," said Chuck Medley, director of emergency services at Fort Hood.

"She fired a couple more rounds and fell back, continuing to fire."

Munley was hit in both legs and her wrist during the gun battle but stayed on her feet and kept firing at the charging gunman.

"She struck him a couple times in the upper torso and he went down," Medley said.

"When she rounded that corner, she made a split-second decision to put her life at risk. If she had not responded the way she had, we would have had an extremely high number of dead and injured."

Munley, a civilian cop employed by the Army, was recovering at the hospital Friday and was unavailable for comment, but she was doing well enough to take several calls from friends."

We wish her a speedy recovery - and a hefty salary increase.

Mourning the dead:
"The 13 victims of the Fort Hood massacre were flown Friday night to Dover Air Force Base, the transit point for generations of soldiers slain by foreign enemies.

Only these were victims of an enemy from within."

Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday Night Hoop-la

Patty Loveless - I Try To Think About Elvis

Ft. Hood Gunman Hasan Part of Obama's Transition Team

BMW is reporting that the Army Major Played Role in Presidential Transition. (another nutjob linked to Dear Leader?)

Instapundit links to an NPR story about Hasan lecturing on beheading infidels at conference.

EM over at HA wants to know "Why was Hasan still in the Army?"

Why indeed.

We May Not Be at War with Islam, but Apparently Its at War with Us

From Robt. Spencer at FrontPageMag.Com:

"Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, murdered twelve people and wounded twenty-one inside Fort Hood in Texas yesterday, while, according to eyewitnesses, “shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting.” Investigators are scratching their heads and expressing puzzlement about why he did it. According to NPR, “the motive behind the shootings was not immediately clear, officials said.” The Washington Post agreed: “The motive remains unclear, although some sources reported the suspect is opposed to U.S. involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq and upset about an imminent deployment.” The Huffington Post spun faster, asserting that “there is no concrete reporting as to whether Nidal Malik Hasan was in fact a Muslim or an Arab.”

Yet there was, and what’s more, Major Hasan’s motive was perfectly clear — but it was one that the forces of political correctness and the Islamic advocacy groups in the United States have been working for years to obscure. So it is that now that another major jihad terror attack has taken place on American soil, authorities and the mainstream media are at a loss to explain why it happened – and the abundant evidence that it was a jihad attack is ignored."

The gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, is in custody, unconscious and on a ventilator, after being shot and subdued by local police officers. The same WaPo article went on to point out that
"(Hasan) had been a "very devout" worshiper at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring, attending prayers at least once a day, often in his Army fatigues, said Faizul Khan, a former imam there.

"To know something like this happened, I don't know what got into his mind," Khan said. "There was nothing extremist in his questions. He never showed any frustration. . . . He never showed any remorse or wish for vengeance on anybody."

Other evidence may contradict that:
"Federal law enforcement officials have said Maj Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago because of internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats.

The officials said the postings appeared to have been made by Maj Hasan but they were still trying to confirm that he was the author.

Maj Hasan's cousin Nader Husan said he was happy working for the military but did dread deployment to Iraq."

This tragedy at Ft. Hood may simply be the murderous rage of an unstable religious kook, and not part of an organized terror plot, but a disturbing pattern does emerge.

On June 1st, 2009, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, a 23-year-old recent convert to Islam, walked into an Army recruiting center, killed one U.S. Soldier and wounded another.

That attack came less than two weeks after the FBI arrested of four "jail house converts" to Islam who were "...plotting to blow up two Bronx synagogues while simultaneously shooting a plane out of the sky..."

Those converts were apparently angry about the deaths of Muslims in Afghanistan. Authorities call this domestic rise in violent Islam "a disturbing trend."

Which is understandable since Islam is the religion of peace.

And it's not simply domestic attacks from Islamists. On March 23rd, 2003, at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait, Sgt. Asan Akbar rolled a grenade into each of three tents of sleeping officers and senior NCOs of the 101st Airborne Division. Then he shot the soldiers with an automatic weapon as they fled from their tents. Two of them, a major and a captain, died, and 14 others were injured.

Sgt. Asan Akbar was a recent convert to the religion of peace and angry about the Arab war dead in Iraq.

We May Not Be at War with Islam, but Apparently Its at War with Us.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

12 Soldiers Killed; 31 Wounded in Ft. Hood Shooting; One Suspect Killed

From ABC News (video):

"The suspected gunman was identified by ABC News as Major Malik Nadal Hasan.

The shooter was killed and two other suspects, who are also soldiers, have been apprehended, Lt. Gen. Robert W. Cone said.

The gunman used two handguns, Cone said. He wasn't sure if the shooter reloaded the weapons during the attack."

"Military and local hospital official said the victims were a mixture of men and women, military and civilian. At least one of those killed was a civilian police officer, Cone said. At least four local SWAT officers were among those wounded, NBC affiliate KCEN-TV of Waco reported.

Fort Hood, one of the largest military complexes in the world, was on lockdown, as were schools in the area. Dozens of agents of the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives responded to the post, federal officials said.

Speaking in Washington, President Barack Obama called the shootings a “horrific incident.”

I have no words...

Update: CBS News reports that Maj. Hasan, 39, is a licensed psychiatrist from Silver Spring, Md.

May the Lord have mercy on his miserable soul.

Name That Party!

Just a hunch, but I don't think this guy is a Republican. From a chagrined SF Chronicle:

"Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums and his wife failed to pay more than $239,000 in taxes over a three-year period and have had a lien slapped on their property by the Internal Revenue Service, public records show."

The Chronicle went on to add that
"The Alameda County lien says the couple failed to pay $124,198 in federal income taxes in 2005, $66,554 in 2006 and $48,246 in 2007, the year Dellums took office as mayor.

The tax lien was imposed on all the couple's personal property, meaning they cannot pocket proceeds from any transactions without first paying off the IRS."

Gee. Imagine that. A 682 word story with 22 paragraphs and not a single mention of this mayor's political affiliation - save for an oblique reference in the next to the last paragraph about the mayor being "a stalwart of progressive ideals."

But the SFC is not alone. The mayor's tax problems were first reported Monday by the East Bay Express, which never mentioned his party affiliation, either.

However, Wikipedia list Mr. Dellums as the first openly socialist congressman (1971-1998) since WW2, and he is currently a registered Democrat (snicker, snicker).

Ever wonder why these "stalwarts of progressive ideals" - like the ones Pres. Obama tries to pack into his inner circle - have such a hard time paying their fair share, but no problems spending other people's money?

I've Got you Under my Skin; I've Got you Deep in the Mid-Week News Cycle...

From the Top of the Ticket blog @ the L.A. Times:

So much Obama damage control, that David Axelrod even talks to Fox News.

"Here's how desperate Obama administration spokesmen were Wednesday to fill the info void they'd created by hiding away during the previous night's bad news election returns:

David Axelrod, an ex-newspaper reporter but one of the lead Obama attackers against the Fox News Channel in recent weeks, actually granted an interview to the Fox News Channel. To Major Garrett."

Spank me, baby!


But, wait. There's more!

"In contrast to the Obama’s team sanguine analysis, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) told POLITICO, "We got walloped."

From the WSJ: GOP Gets Some Love.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sarah Palin for GOP Chairwoman?

EE over at RS reiterates the goal of NY-23 was not necessarily win the congressional seat (although that would've been sweet!), but to oust the RINO (Scozzafava).

GOP Chairman Michael Steele disagrees and is criticizing Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty today for daring to endorse Doug Hoffman.

Mr. Steele appears to see it as a mere numbers game, with any (R) being a good (R) - even when they have a history of rabidly crossing the aisle to vote with the opposition.

I must disagree with Mr. Steele. The GOP suffers the malaise of big tent-itus and Michael Steele has a bad case of it. The source, of course, is all this watered down “democrat light” which transforms elephants into RINOs.

Time to drain the swamp and get back on dry land. That’s the lesson of NY-23.

Because You Can't Spell "Loon Toon Frog Licking Gaia Worshiper" without Hypocrisy

Carbon Hog Miss Earth Pageant Kicks Off in Manila

Election Night Corral: Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out

NY-23: Democrat Bill Owens goes to Congress, but the Conservatives still win.

The fat man sings in New Jersey; Obama bagman, Corzine(D), goes down in defeat.

Virginia goes big for Republican Governor & Lt. Gov., despite pitchman Obama's efforts.

But, wait. There's hope n change! Obama's homophobe agenda is vindicated: Maine Voters Repeal Law Allowing Homosexual Marriage. (Uh, you did know the The One opposes same sex marriage, didn't you?)

Still a little air left in the room: CA-10 special election goes to a Democrat.

But it's not about Obama (spin spin), yet it says a lot about the low Democrat enthusiasm & turnout for oddball elections. Maybe they were too busy waiting at home for their "Obama money."

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Scozzafava Complains That Politics is a Dirty Business

The uber-liberal TPM links to a story from the Syracuse Post-Standard about Dede Scozzafava's withdraw from the NY-23 special election and her endorsement of opponent Democrat Bill Owens - instead of the Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman.

"Scozzafava denounced national conservatives for "the amount of hate and lies and the deceitfulness" used against her..."

Scozzafava went on to complain that "as the Republicans in Washington were changing their allegiances, no one bothered to call me."

Women hate that. But hate & lies? The conservatives were simply pointing to her record as a RINO.

And you can't expect a kiss from your date when you head for the backseat with his rival after the dance.

Next time, Scozzafava, just save us all some grief and register as a democrat.

More Bigotry, Ignorance & Prejudice from Jeremiah Wright

Yes, that Jeremiah Wright, not the one that didn't sign the White House guest book.

"A new video of Jeremiah Wright has surfaced, showing Barack Obama's pastor of 20 years praising Marxism and discussing his ties to communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua and the Libyan government."

Hey. Did you know a man is known by the company he keeps?

Monday, November 02, 2009

The Good Wife

John Hanlon over at Big Hollywood likes this new CBS drama and is impressed with the show's novel (and timely) subject matter:

"The show explores the life of a wronged political spouse who returns to the workforce after her cheating husband is sent to prison. The show’s plot invited inevitable comparisons to many contemporary political spouses who have felt the glare of standing by their cheating partners in the media spotlight."

Hanlon notes that the show "can be political but it is not ideological, at least thus far, a quality that I admire about the program."

I've never seen the show and probably won't, either, but my advice to Mr. Hanlon is to enjoy that quality while he can. I don't watch too much television, anymore. Too many pandering pundits of agitprop inhabit the slimy cubicles of the entertainment industry, and it shows in their work. It's axiomatic and particularly acute when political issues are probed.

For example, "Boston Legal" started out slick, witty and wild with a fair balance of court room drama and office snark. Then it took a hard left turn into the one dimensional world of Bush Derangement Syndrome and never recovered. No amount of Scotch made it palatable.

I predict "The Good Wife" will follow the same course: a very good first year, then HARD LEFT down a one dimensional street, smack into the nanny state wall.

Like an addict, Lefties just can't help themselves.

Pampered, Anorexic Girls Paid Millions for Wearing Clothes

Public outraged!

Congress to investigate!!

Such shallow, aristocratic decadence will not be allowed. These young women will be getting a visit from Obama's PAY CZAR shortly.