Videos WhatFinger

Monday, April 30, 2012

Black Coffee Monday

Congress deliberately froze $192,000,000.00 of your tax dollars, but Pres. Divisive says, "Eff You!" and gives that money to a state sponsor of terrorism anyways.

$535 million crony capitalist dollars later: Solyndra leaves toxic 'green' legacy for taxpayers to clean-up.

 The Age of Lawyers (laughing all the way to the bank): Plaintiffs win $3 million class-action lawsuit against 'Nutella' (seriously).

The King's Indian Defense. One of the first definitive Chess openings I learned at my Pappy's knee. Or something.

Hey. Remember when that nuclear bomb trigger fell out of an A.F. plane and blew open a crater on the Gregg's farm in S. Carolina?

Top five cliches that liberals use to avoid real arguments.

Alternative headline: The Party Will Never Be There Again.

Update: What I really want to know is when will this enviro-fascist pay back the taxpayers for all the economic damage his enforcement policies have caused? Top EPA official resigns after 'crucify' comment.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Da Vinci Deception

The following are excerpts from Dr. Paul L. Maier's book, "The Da Vinci Code: Fact or Fiction?"
Foreword by Hank Hanegraaff:
"Why is The Passion excoriated and The Da Vinci Code extolled? Why are Gibson’s motives denounced and Brown’s dignified? Why is Christ’s passion referred to as a “repulsive, masochistic fantasy” and his supposed marriage to MaryMagdalene touted as a researched material fact? The answer may surprise you.

It is not just that in our increasingly secularist culture it has become politically correct to cast aspersions on Christ and the church he founded. It is because of a great reversal of values. Fiction—such as the notion that Christianity was concocted to subjugate women—is being cleverly peddled as fact, while fact—such as the deity of Christ—is being capriciously passed off as fiction.

Nearly all of Brown’s assertions in The Da Vinci Code are based on several statements he presents on page 1 under the heading of “FACT”— before the novel even begins..."
Dr. Maier dissects and dispels Dan Brown's 'facts' in a chapter entitled 'The Da Vinci Deception.' For instance, Brown asserts,
“The Bible . . . has evolved through count-less translations, additions, and revisions. History has never had a definitive version of the book” (231).

To say that the Bible has “evolved” implies a progression of constant change, as in the
term evolution. This is totally misleading. The only “changes” to the Bible that have taken place across the centuries have been an ever-more-faithful rendering and translation of the original Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament, without any additions to the text.

Part 2 will discuss this matter in further detail. “More than eighty gospels were considered for the New Testament, and yet only a relative few were chosen for inclusion” (231).

Brown’s statement implies that there was a general submission of gospels to some sort of earlychurch panel that reduced the field to the familiar four. This was not at all the case. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were foundation documents in what later came to be called the New Testament. Eusebius, the first church historian, tells how theywere the core of the canon from the start, and how their authoritywas determined on the basis of usage in such early Christian centers as Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome. He also clearly identifies some of the later spurious writings, including the Gnostic gospels, that the church rejected as soon as they surfaced. Today they are known as the “New Testament apocrypha.”

Brown must have had this group in mind with his “eighty,” which is an exaggerated figure in anycase. Speaking of exaggeration, Brown outdoes himself in the following:...
 If you want more, you'll have to buy the book.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

RNC Accuses Obama of Campaigning on Taxpayer's Dime

CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller reports that Obama has attended more than 115 fundraisers since he announced his re-election on April 4 of last year, 80 percent of them outside Washington. President George W. Bush attended only 90 during his entire first term.

From The Hill:
"In an official complaint filed with the GAO, a watchdog agency, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus accuses Obama of "passing off campaign travel as official events," using taxpayer money to fund his reelection efforts.
"Given the recent excesses, waste and abuse uncovered in the General Services Administration, the GAO should be particularly sensitive to misuse of taxpayer dollars," Preibus wrote in a letter to Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro.
Priebus said "the most recent example" of abuse took place this week as Obama traveled to North Carolina, Colorado and Iowa, three battleground states to promote student loan legislation. The RNC chairman points out that Obama delivered speeches to "cheering crowds of college students" which resembled campaign events."
The White House responded to the accusation with "Nanna-nanna, boo-boo."

It costs $179,000 an hour to fly Air Force One. 

Saturday Saunter

 A quick look around the inter-tubes:

It maybe legal, but it's not very smart:  Judge upholds KCMO's new streetcar taxing district

Local NPR affiliate  KCUR Offers $120 Walt Bodine Coffee Mug

KMBZ's angry white man Chris Merrill Has a New Job in San Diego

Who knew? Kansas City has a burlesque festival. (racy, but sfw)

Hard hitting newspaper man Don Surber says goodbye to blogging, but will still keep his day job.

Cherokee, schmerokee. It’s Elizabeth Warren’s neo-bolshevik heritage that disturbs me.

His pressed and creased jeans makes slack fetishist David Brooks happy, but truth be told ‘We have kind of a metrosexual president.’

Brutal hypocrisy alert:
Homosexual Anti-Bullying Speaker Curses Christian Teens.

'Unexpectedly':  US Economy Misses Mark, 1st Qtr Growth at Tepid 2.2%

Alternative Headline:
Are You Better Off Now Than $5 TRILLION ago?

 I'll take 'an Obama appointee' for 500, Alex:
Who Is EPA Crucifixion Chief Al Armendariz?

Obamaville:  U.S. Homeownership Hits Decade Low

I blame PMS: Woman kills man by squeezing his testicles over parking dispute.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Friday Night Hoop-la

What Kind of Fool Am I? by Sammy Davis Jr (1925-1990).

In life, Mr. Davis was often billed as the "greatest living entertainer in the world". Known for his self-deprecating humor, he once heard someone complaining about discrimination, and he said, "You got it easy. I'm a short, ugly, one-eyed, black Jew. What do you think it's like for me?"

Something tells me Sammy Davis Jr. would dedicate this song to our current, divisive POTUS, with 'narcissist' being the answer to the song title's question. Of course.

"In 1952, at the invitation of Sinatra, they also played the newly integrated Copacabana. In 1954, Davis signed to Decca, topping the charts with his debut LP, Starring Sammy Davis Jr. That same year he lost his left eye in a much-publicized auto accident, but upon returning to the stage in early 1955 was greeted with even greater enthusiasm than before on the strength of a series of hit singles including "Something's Gotta Give," "Love Me or Leave Me," and "That Old Black Magic."
A year later, Davis made his Broadway debut in the musical +Mr. Wonderful, starring in the show for over 400 performances and launching a hit with the song "Too Close for Comfort."
For this, and more, original hits from the 40's, 50's, and 60's, tune into John Christopher's streaming 24/7 musical extravaganza "The Neon Beat" by clicking here, or click the icon on the side of this page.

(disclaimer: the views expressed here are my own and not affiliated with John Christopher or The Neon Beat. I'm simply a fan of the show.)

Why Does Eric Holder Think Black Folks are Stoopid?

"The Justice Department argues that the tests have "disparate impact" on black firefighters because those firefighters get significantly lower scores than white firefighters...and therefore, the results can only be explained by racism, and such testing needs to be stopped immediately.
Based on this logic, we assume that Mr. Holder will also be filing suit against the SAT testing service, since Asians tend to score better than other ethnic groups...and therefore that test must be racist."
Civil Writes Protest.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

"Love of Theory is the Root of all Evil."

Brilliant stuff.

"You know Marx had a theory. So did Engels. So did Stalin. That theory - that people would work as hard for a collective as they would for themselves - ended up killing about 50 million people in forced starvations, executions, purges and labor gulags.
Mao had a theory, more or less the same thing, that probably killed another 50 million or so, sacrificed to that same blood thirsty god.
Economist Paul Krugman has a theory that says essentially if the govt. is spending so much money, that the non-partisan congressional budget office predicts that there will no longer be a U.S. economy by 2027, the solution to this problem is to spend more money! He believes - and Pelosi, and Obama, and Reid believe - that the reason we have not seen any prosperity from this obviously insane theory is because, as with the apologist for communism, we just didn't do enough of it. It's madness. They don't care.
Their emotional need for this theory to be true trumps everything else."

Monday, April 23, 2012

There's Nothing new Under the Sun...

"No matter what anyone may say about making the rich and the corporations pay taxes, in the end those taxes come out from the people who toil." -- Calvin Coolidge(1873-1933), 30th US President

 In short, corporations don't pay taxes. People pay taxes. Any business simply views taxes as another expense, built into the price of their goods and services. Except when they're competing in a global economy with leaner, more efficient overseas competitors not burdened with those taxes. Then our domestic corporations simply shed workers and move off shore. This makes stockholders happy, but the poor and children are hardest hit.  

Do you understand that simple economics lesson, Liberals?

Enslave your Grand Kids with Debt Obamanation

Stolen from the Reaganite Republican, who has plenty more where that came from. Via DR @ DB

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Christ's Temptation in the Desert

Or what allure is a wife, baby and a little house in Bethany to the Author of creation?

Mark 1:9-15

A few key points: Christ had just been baptized by John. God the Father proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Christ was filled with the Holy Spirit and led into the wilderness specifically for this test.

Notice that huge gap between verse 13 and verse 14. For whatever reason, Mark chose to compress his narrative, yet Matthew expounded upon it greatly (4:1-12), detailing the conversation between the devil and Christ after 40 days of fasting.

The devil sought to attack Christ in person, on several different levels; human and divine. And we know the devil is not stupid. He was once the wisest and most powerful created being in Heaven ( Ezekiel 28:12-15).  But, full of his own hubris and delusion, the devil's reach exceeded his grasp in his failed coupe against God Almighty (Isaiah 14:12-14). Jesus Himself bears witness to the devil's demise when He told His disciples, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" (Luke10:18).

The first two temptations are nearly identical in method: first, the eternal, then the temporal. "If thou be the Son of God..." The devil initiates the temptations by trying to sow doubt. It's a similar tactic the devil used on Eve in the garden: "Did God really say....?" (Genesis 3:1). Are you sure about that? The devil is a master at delusion and deception.

But God the Father had already proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

The devil now wants Christ to quench His earthly hunger by turning stones into bread via His own will thereby short cutting the Father's will. But Christ puts on the armor of Scripture and rebuffs the devil's attack; "...It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Deuteronomy 8:3).

The devil then tries again; "If thou be the Son of God..." but that attack is even more impotent the second time. Misery loves company, and the devil now wants Christ to use His own power apart from God the Father to command the angels. The devil transports Christ to the temple in Jerusalem and commands He cast himself down and call the angels for help. But again Christ thwarts the devil's attack. "Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God" (Deuteronomy 6:16-17).

The devil's last temptation of Christ is an outright power grab; "...the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." 

Christ then commands the devil to depart from Him and yet, once again, draws the sword of Scripture to slay His enemy, "Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve" (Deuteronomy 6:16-17).

The devil departed and the angels of God came to Christ. He then began His earthly ministry along the shore of Galilee seeking fishers of men.

But notice the source of Scripture Jesus quoted to the devil to defeat him: Deuteronomy, Old Testament stuff.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." He is the Alpha and Omega. The Author of creation, and all that is in it. All power has been delivered into His hands. This is why modern blather like 'the last temptation of Christ' or 'the da vinci code' is so foolish and offensive to the Christian: What allure is money, or a wife, baby and a little house in Bethany to the Author of creation?

This Just In...

 Now you know.

And be thankful they haven't launched into a spittle-flecked tirade, yet.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Evangelical Champion for Prison Ministry, Chuck Colson Dead at 80

From Chuck Colson dot org:
"LANSDOWNE, Va., April 21, 2012— Evangelical Christianity lost one of its most eloquent and influential voices today with the death of Charles W. “Chuck” Colson. The Prison Fellowship and Colson Center for Christian Worldview founder died at 3:12 p.m. on Saturday from complications resulting from a brain hemorrhage. Colson was 80.
A Watergate figure who emerged from the country’s worst political scandal, a vocal Christian leader and a champion for prison ministry, Colson spent the last years of his life in the dual role of leading Prison Fellowship, the world’s largest outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families, and the Colson Center, a teaching and training center focused on Christian worldview thought and application."
Mr. Colson had undergone surgery in March to remove a blood clot and was recuperating when his health took a turn for the worse. The official cause of death was complications resulting from a brain hemorrhage.

Predictably, many of the dead tree media headline 'watergate felon,' or 'Nixon hatchet man' - devoting hundreds of words rehashing Colson's roll in the ill-fated Nixon White House, with only a small concession to 'evangelical,' or 'born again' in their reports. But that's typical. Also typical, the liberal blogs are full of their usual hate and venom toward this energetic and faithful servant of Christ. The concept of redemption and forgiveness seem totally foreign to these people.
“He transferred his huge drive, intellect and maniacal energy from the service of Richard Nixon to the service of Jesus Christ,” said his biographer, Jonathan Aitken, a former British government minister who endured a similar journey of political disgrace and personal redemption following a 1999 conviction for perjury."
Of the many books by Chuck Colson, I was most impacted by 'The Good Life', co-written with Harold Fickett and published in 2005. No matter your opinion of Colson, I highly recommend this book. It is apologetics at its finest. Colson and Fickett utilize anecdotes and 'kitchen table' language, bolstered by Scripture, as an insight into the universal Truth of Christian theology and its application for successful Christian life.

“One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that I don’t ever get up in the morning and wonder if what I do matters. I live every day to the fullest because I can live it through Christ and I know no matter what I do today, I’m going to do something to advance the Kingdom of God.”- Charles Colson (1931- 2012)
Semper fidelis.  God bless you, Sir.  Rest in Peace.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Night Hoop-la

Many Americans desire that "America, the Beautiful" should be their National Anthem, rather than the "The Star Spangled Banner. The lyrics were written sometime in the 1890's by a Wellesley College English professor named Katharine Lee Bates, who wrote it as a poem. In 1926, the poem was combined with the music of a hymn written by Samuel Ward.

A lot of artists have recorded this, including Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley, but Charles' version is the most famous. Frank Sinatra once said Ray Charles was the only true musical genius in the business.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This Just In...

"The power which a multi-millionaire, who may be my neighbor and perhaps my employer, has over me is very much less than that which the smallest bureaucrat possesses, who wields the coercive power of the state and on whose discretion it depends whether and how I am to be allowed to live or to work." -- Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992), Nobel Laureate of Economic Sciences 1974

For those of you who slept in gub'mint school, yet still had a diploma thrust into your hand, I shall translate: Professor Hayek said it's possible to say to your multi-millionaire neighbor or employer, "Take this job and SHOVE IT!", but even the two bit bureaucrat of a ten cent town can demand, "Do it or go to jail!"

Compare and contrast.

A great read: Hayek's book "The Road to Serfdom" can be downloaded to Kindle or purchased in paperback from Amazon.

Earth Day Cometh

(This is a repost from 2011)
 Join a dozen or so other self-loathing, deluded fascists who worship a planetary object, and get an autographed carbon credit from jet setting High Priest, Al Gore. Free tree spikes! Capitalist pig shooting gallery. Eugenics tattoos! Eco-terror DVDs. Fun for the whole commune! Now, at The People's Cube.

Related: Doug Powers reminds us that a co-founder of earth day sits in a very eco-friendly prison cell. What was his crime? He murdered his girlfriend in 1977 and stored her rotting corpse in his closet.

Respect the multi-culturalism.

Update: Gargantuan carbon footprint hypocrisy:
"President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost of about $180,000. And that doesn't include the fuel consumption of his helicopter, limo, or the 29 other vehicles that travel with that car."
And let's not forget this lil tone deaf gem from last month: Obama Flies Personal Trainer from Chicago to White House.

Updated update: Shallow? Who said that feminists are shallow? Or obtuse?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tea Party Rallies for Romney in San Francisco

That's the title of Zombie's latest post over at PJM.

Zombie always compiles very interesting photo essays of the characters who inhabit his hometown of San Fran (for good or ill), and this one doesn't disappoint, but the event looks more like a "NoBama' festival, rather than a Romney rally.  Well worth a look, anyways.

Oh. And unlike the angry 'occupy what street' invasions, there were no rapes, robberies, drugs, or violent confrontations with police.  Go figure.

Liberals Attack Gov. Walker's Aide for Promoting "unnatural sexiness"

Yup. The Liberal political philosophers who worship licentiousness as a job requirement seek to attack another conservative woman because she worked as a H00ters girl in college.  Seriously.

Oh, and she's also (gasp) pro-life!

Because, you know, Liberals aren't content to vilify only Ann Romney.


Gas Price Hypocrisy (Video)

(this is a re-post from 2011 with update*, and shows that the more things stay the same, the more things stay the same)

High gasoline prices under the hated boooshitler: Horrid torture.

High gasoline prices under an anointed light being with a Pulitzer: count your blessings.

*Note the pandering (and probably fabricated) anecdote about the unemployed guy Obama met in 2008 who had to give up his job search because gasoline was too expensive at $3.50/gal. Now, in 2012, after the billions of crony capitalist dollars Obama flushed down the green energy toilet, the unemployed can simply fuel their vehicles with unicorn farts and moonbeams. So it's all good in the obamanation.

The mendacious propaganda from these media & political sycophants is nauseating.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do You Know Absolutely If There are No Absolutes?

 This is an excerpt from "Embodied Truth" by Ravi Zacharias:
"I heard a cute little story, growing up in India. It is the story of a little boy who had lots of pretty marbles. But he was constantly eyeing his sister's bagful of candy. One day he said to her, "If you give me all your candy, I'll give you all of my marbles." She gave it much thought, and agreed to the trade. He took all her candy and went back to his room to get his marbles. But the more he admired them the more reluctant he became to give them all up. So he hid the best of them under his pillow and took the rest to her. That night, she slept soundly, while he tossed and turned restlessly, unable to sleep and thinking, "I wonder if she gave me all the candy?"
I have often wondered, when I see our angry culture claiming that God has not given us enough evidence, if it is not the veiled restlessness of lives that live in doubt because of their own duplicity. The battle in our time is posed as one of the intellect, in the assertion that truth is unknowable. But that may be only a veneer for the real battle, that of the heart."

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Titanic's Sister Ships all But Forgotten

 The White Star Line commissioned three ships in it's gargantuan 'olympic' class to sail the seas - the 'Olympic, 'Titanic' and 'Britannic', respectively. The RMS Olympic was the first to be commissioned and first set sail from its Belfast, Ireland shipyard on October 20, 1910. It made its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York on June 14, 1911.

After the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912, the Olympic was refitted with more life boats, higher water tight bulk heads and reinforced double sides. In April, 1913, it resumed trans-Atlantic passenger service.

During WWI, it was pressed into service as a troop carrier, armed with several 6 inch guns.

From the titanic-whitestarships web site:
"Olympic’s most notable achievement during the war was the ramming and sinking of of the German submarine U-103 on May 12, 1918. Olympic was the only merchant ship to sink an enemy warship during the war. Korvettenkapitän Claus Rücker, commander of the 9-month old U-103, had unsuccessfully fired two torpedo's at Olympic just missing her port bow. In what some historians consider a foolish maneuver, Olympic turned around and rammed the u-boat sinking her and killing the crew. It is believed that Olympic could have easily outrun the u-boat on a zigzag course and not have risked the lives of the thousands on board.

Refitted and converted to oil fuel, Olympic returned to service in July of 1920, . With Britannic's sinking during the war, Olympic became the last remaining ship of the original Olympic Class trio of liners envisioned by WSL chairman Bruce Ismay. She was a favorite among the passengers in her own right as well as for the fact that she was about identical in appearance to lost sister Titanic. Interestingly, Olympic was the first White Star liner to sell out passage booking after Titanic sank, until Majestic ( "The Magic Stick") came along."
The Olympic was decommissioned and sold for scrap in 1935 for about $500,000. Her luxurious fittings were removed and sold. Many of these items can be found today in various hotels, pubs and restaurants around the world.

The Britannic didn't fare so well as the Olympic. After the sinking of its older sister, the Titanic, it, too, was retro-fitted with the new safety features. During WWI, the Britannic was converted to a hospital ship. But in 1916, on its way to collect soldiers wounded in the Balkan campaign, it struck an underwater mine and sunk into the Agean sea in less than an hour. Thirty people died in the disaster, yet nearly 1,100 were rescued.

The Britannic still lies under 400 ft. of water off the Greek island of Kea. In 2008, it was proposed to turn the site into an underwater museum for tourists.

Saturday Saunter

Cartoon round-up edition.


Lingerie Football League Goes on Hiatus for 2012 Season

That's right boys n girls. It's another cheap web traffic post.

Aficionados refer to this spectacle simply as the LFL. It seems the league wants to re-tool in order to play a warmer Spring/Summer schedule as opposed to a chilly Fall exhibition. It will resume games in 2013.

And since turn about is fair play, 'will male sports reporters be allowed in the locker rooms after games?'

Just wondering.

There's a poll in the article, too: "Would you mind if your daughter played in the Lingerie Football League?" Follow the link.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Night Hoop-la

B.J. Thomas - Hooked on a Feeling (1969)

Billy Joe Thomas achieved success in both the pop/rock and country genre during 1960s & '70s.

As a child, Thomas sang in church. In his teen years, he joined a Houston-based band called the 'Triumphs', which achieved only local recognition, and no record contracts.

Thomas began his solo career in 1966 by recording a version of Hank Williams' standard "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." It reached number 8 on the pop charts. It wasn't until two years later that Thomas hit the big time once again when "Hooked on a Feeling" was released and became a number-five, gold single.

Then in 1969, he scored his biggest hit with Burt Bacharach and Hal David's "Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head," from the hit film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Did Obama Pay a Lower Tax Rate Than His Secretary?

Buffet rule for thee, but not for me.


Leftist California Professors "Corrupt" Higher Education

From the succinct and erudite Larry Elder:

"Students are immersed in an education that emphasizes the wrongs done to minorities, women, gays and other groups. Gender, ethnic, religious and sexual orientation grievances are highlighted as representative of an imperial, racist, exploitative capitalist superpower that continues to engage in widespread racism, sexism, homophobia and worldwide domination.

"We wuz wronged" takes center stage over a basic understanding of economics, of the concept of federalism, and of the values that turned a struggling bunch of colonies into a political and economic superpower. Indeed, the very mission statements of many departments on UC campuses stress their commitment to activism for enacting social change, or to bring about social or racial or fill-in-the-blank justice."
And from these ivory sewers of indoctrination crawl the ilk of Occupy Wall Street, et al. Partially subsidized by your tax dollars, of course.

We dealt with "Outrageous College Tuition Pays for "diversity and inclusion" last week.

Frothing Friday

 Ain't you glad this week is over?

Lilly Ledbetter for thee, but not me: Obama W.H. Pays Women Staffers 18% Less than Men.

The 1% for me, but not for thee: Obama Raises Nearly $1 Million in DC, at $40,000/plate.

Diversity for thee, but not me: Top Ten Things Almost As White As Obama's Campaign HQ Staff.

The lap dog resembles his master: The indelible whiteness of MSNBC (the right Rev. Al (brawley) Sharpton excluded)

But Why Does NPR Hate Black People?

And Why Does Obama Hate Paul Ryan??

Cornell University: Obama’s inequality argument just utterly collapsed.

Fox, meet hen house?: Justice Department Probing Widespread Stimulus Fraud.

Hide the grandkids:  America's Debt Is Greater than the Entire Eurozone!

It's a fair question from John Stossel: Can Government Do Anything Well?

General Motors says it's not related to the Chevy Volt: GM Lithium Battery Lab Explodes, 2 injured.

Maybe. The first time that lab blowed up, Sir, was in the mid-60's when a compressed hydrogen fuel cell exploded!

Driscoll: The Age of the Avant-Garde.

As if it ain't tough enough to get that 2nd date: Women Able to Orgasm after Strenuous Gym Workout 

Henry Hudson, call yer office: Arctic Ice at Record Levels.

Angry Leftists Denouncing Ann Romney As C*nt, B*tch, and Wh0re

A war on a Conservative woman, courtesy of open minded and tolerant Liberals.

Will Obama Apologize to Ann Romney Like He Did Sandra Fluke?

Probably another one of those 'in the rhetorical category' questions.

Democrat strategist and frequent White House visitor, Hilary Rosen, instigated this tempest on Wednesday when she stated publically, "Ann Romney has never worked a day in her life." Ann Romney is the wife of presidential candidate Mitt Romney. She's a stay at home mom who worked to raise their 5 boys.

Rosen's comments were meant to insult the 'pampered' life of the Romney family. Because they're rich, you see. Rosen's poorly attempted strategy to denigrate the family of Obama's opponent-elect has back fired. Call it the post-Hilary Rosen White House clown show.

Rosen has since apologized to Mrs. Romney.

But as the foul invectives in this post's title illustrate, will the angry Leftists even care?

Where? Now We Know.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Myopic Obamanation

So, how much will this mendacious 'Buffet Rule' reduce the deficit?

Meanwhile, US Government Counter sues Warren Buffett Company Over Unpaid Taxes.

Uh oh. Obama's White House aides aren't paying their fair share: 36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in back taxes. But that was back in Feb. of this year, so maybe they've all mended their unpatriotic ways.

Update: Uh, oh; part deux: Even Obama's loyal stenographers at the WaPo rebuff the gimmicky ‘Buffett Rule’

Planned Parenthood Wants You to Pray to Support Abortion

Alternative headline: World's Largest Abortuary Wants You to Pray for Continued Profits from the Murder of the Unborn.
“We trust you to decide about your sexuality, having your children, and planning your family,” says a flier promoting the Humbolt County Clergy for Choice event. “We are religious leaders who value all human life. We accept that religions differ about when life begins. We are here to help.”
“We believe that human life is holy. That’s why we believe in your right to choose to be a parent or not,” the pro-abortion religious leaders continue..."
Got that? "Religious leaders." Probably 'molech.'

What I pray for is for PP to go out of business and that the LORD have mercy on their miserable souls.

New Black Party Chief Of Staff Threatens a Reckoning for "Crackers, Pigs, and Pink People."

Maybe she didn't get Obama's 'new civility' memo.

But good thang some knuckle-dragging skin head moron didn't spew such violent racist rhetoric or the MSM might notice and report about it.

Meanwhile, Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder has high praise for the man who brought us the Tawana Brawley rape hoax.

Me? I'm still waiting for Eric Holder to call us a nation of cowards, again.

Update: Aw. She apologizes - that you misunderstood her violent racist rhetoric.

Uh, oh. Looky here. Miss Williams has her own history of arrests and convictions - including aggravated assault with a handgun.

Hope n change, boys n girls.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TEA Party Racist Calls for Revolution & Overthrow of U.S.

(This is a re-post from 2010)

Oh. Wait. Wrong again.

That would be a gub'mint school teacher calling for revolution & overthrow of the U.S. at a La Racist rally in California. Your tax dollars at work.

Fed up, yet?

Janet Napolitano will be predictably otherwise preoccupied, and The One will, once again, get all wee-wee'd up about incivility - just not towards this seditious, Latino racist.

Why? Too many potential undocumented democrat voters at stake.

Meanwhile, our vaunted Main Stream Media directs a chorus of chirping crickets.

Do the Obtuse Know They're Obtuse?

That question probably falls into the 'rhetorical' category.

I stole this image from the Perfessor at L.I.

I usually characterize these rolling billboards of dissonant sophistry as a ‘thumb in the eye of the unfortunate.’

Most amusing:  ..."Republicans think the glass is ‘theirs'", yet admonishes fellow tax payers "don’t pray in ‘my’ school..."


Maybe egregiously obtuse would be a better description?

How a Teachers’ Rally Made Me Anti-Education

(This is a re-post from 2011)

That's the title of Zombie's latest blog post:
"I write this essay with a heavy heart. I’ve always considered myself an ardent advocate for education. But a  recent rally staged by teachers and students in favor of school funding  forced me to reluctantly acknowledge an awful truth: We have to destroy education in order to save it.

Let me explain how I came to this miserable conclusion..."

It's a thoughtful and worth while read, although I'm pretty sure he's referring to public school education and not the more effective and cost efficient choices of private education.

 These are just a small sample of disturbing pictures captured at simultaneous rallies across California last month of the gub'mint school neo-bolsheviks and their demands for money, along with threats against the taxpayers and politicians if they don't get it.

The fact that California is broke and running a 20 billion dollar deficit this year is obviously lost on these geniuses.

These are the people educating your children.

Hollywood ‘Comedian’ Calls for Assassination of Sarah Palin

(This is a re-post from 2011)

Yes, I know. This story is already growing cold. But why are Leftists so hateful and violent?
“You know what man? I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It’s for my country."
Obviously, another moron who couldn't read the 'new civility' memo.

Warner T. Houston unpacks the stupidity of yet another hollyweird nutjob spewing intolerance, hate and violence.

But you already knew that history proves it's Leftists and Anarchists who are the assassins of presidents.

And 6 out 7 of their targets have been Republican presidents.

Not that history or facts matter to Leftists or Anarchists...

Monday, April 09, 2012

Obama to Create White House Rural Council

(Re-post from 2011)

Big gub'mint getting bigger.

From an 'unexpectedly' surprised Associated Press:

"The panel will be responsible for providing recommendations to the president on investment in rural areas, as well as coordinating with a variety of rural interests, including agricultural groups, small businesses, and state, local and tribal governments.

It will focus on 10 areas that affect nearly one-fifth of the U.S. population of 308 million. But the panel's initial focus will be on job creation and economic development.

Rural residents are eager for better educational opportunities, transportation alternatives, better access to health care and reliable access to the Internet, among other issues.

The remaining subject areas will be: agriculture, access to credit, innovation, health care, education, Internet access, infrastructure, conservation and developing regional economies."
I guess Pres. Obama never heard about the United States Dept. of Agriculture, or it's plethora of sub-divisions including, but not limited to, the USDA's own 115 billion dollar Rural Development agency, or the USDA's Farm Service Agency, which already have legions of bureaucrats on the ground addressing all the president's concerns.

Probably never heard this, either.

Taxpayers Might be Liable for Rep. Cleaver's (D-MO) $1 MILLION Loan from BoA

We learned on Friday that Bank of America filed suit in Jackson County Circuit Court with a demand for repayment from Mr. Cleaver and company:
"The Cleaver Company failed and refused, and continues to fail and refuse, to pay the outstanding obligations due and owing ... under the note and other loan documents," the lawsuit said.

In an email statement, Cleaver said, "This is a business dispute. The business has been run by an outside manager for years." He said because it was a legal matter, he would have no further comment.

According to court documents, the outstanding principal totals $1.2 million with interest totaling $240,545 as of March 6. Late fees have reached $54,587. Both Cleavers had personally guaranteed the debts, according to the suit."
But, wait! There's more: Taxpayers could have to cover Rep. Emanuel Cleaver’s bad loan.

Why? Because the taxpayer funded SBA is on the hook for $1.085 million of Cleaver's loan - FOR. A. CARWASH.

From the KC Star:
"However, it isn’t clear how much a sale of the car wash would bring. Jackson County tax records show the land and improvements were appraised at $462,541 in 2011, roughly 8 percent less than five years ago, and far short of the $1.5 million the lawsuit claims that Cleaver owes in principal, interest, and penalties.

It also isn’t known how much additional revenue the business itself might bring in a sale.

But in his May 2011 financial disclosure, Cleaver valued the car wash between $100,000 and $250,000. He valued all of his and his wife’s investment assets between $513,000 and $1.295 million."
Poor guy. We silly tax payers can only afford to pay this indolent politico $174,000/yr to misrepresent the 5th district in Congress, plus a $20K/yr kc mayor's pension.

Perhaps Mr. Cleaver should be more circumspect in his personal business, and pay closer attention to matters in the 5th (ala the 'green district's' Tracy Ave rehab fiasco), or a local school boy getting set on fire, or businesses fleeing KCMO, rather than grandstanding for photo ops with Brad Pitt, or rushing in front of TV cameras with his insulting race pimp opportunism at the death of a young man in Florida.

Tell me again why this guy has a boulevard named after him?

Coated Carbon Nanotubes Used to Generate Electricity

(This is a re-post from 2010)

But since it involves fossil fuels and that ol' demon carbon, Al Gore's head will explode with the wrath of Shiva, and the nanotubes will be impounded with a millstone of oppressive taxation and cast into the lowest level of Gaia's abyss.

Or something.
"Carbon nanotubes are thin sheets of carbon rolled up into teensy tubes each with a diameter about 30,000 times smaller than a strand of hair.

When carbon — one of the most abundant elements on Earth — is rolled up into tubes, it exhibits some extraordinary properties such as high heat conduction, which the team exploited in the new study.

A carbon firecracker
The researchers coated the nanotubes with a fuel, such as gasoline or ethanol, and applied heat to one end. The result: The fuel reacts and produces more heat, which ignites more fuel to create even more heat.

The process creates “a wave that travels like dominoes falling in a line [down the length of the nanotube],” said study team member Michael Strano, a chemical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

The resulting heat wave, it turns out, also creates a wave of electrons moving in one direction — aka electricity.

“The thermal wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes like a tube of toothpaste,” Strano explained.

The devices built in the MIT lab produced 10 times more power than a lithium-ion battery of equivalent mass."
Sounds promising, in geek sorta way. Kinda like storing solar electricity via massive liquid metal batteries - which operate at 700 degrees Celsius!

I prefer nuclear power generation, but I'm silly that way.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Geologists Proclaim "We Maybe Running Out of Rocks!

(This is a repost)

Krykee doodle.

As if we didn't have enough to worry about what with glow bull warming, earthquakes, massive oil spills, and over-stock of pig flu vaccine.

Geologists Proclaim "We Maybe Running Out of Rocks!
"RALEIGH, NC—A coalition of geologists are challenging the way we look at global stone reserves, claiming that, unless smarter methods of preservation are developed, mankind will eventually run out of rocks.

"If we do not stop using them up at our current rate, rocks as we know them will be a thing of the past," renowned geologist Henry Kaiser said at a press conference Tuesday. "Igneous, metamorphic, even sedimentary: all of them could be gone in as little as 500,000 years."

"Think about it," Kaiser added. "When was the last time you even saw a boulder?"
Sounds fishy. Didn't this guy make cars or something?

10 Questions with ‘The Genesis of Science’ Author

(This is a repost from 2011)

From the Daily Caller:
"James Hannam is the author of “The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution,” set to be officially released Monday."
Finally, some real science and history - not usual revisionist progressive pap taught at university.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Science? History? Nope. Outrageous College Tuition Pays for "diversity and inclusion"

Is there a correlation between grade inflation and tuition inflation? Just asking.

The cost of college tuition has increased over 2 1/2 times the rate of inflation since the late-80's! Some pundits point the finger at a massive surge of easy money pumped into universities via federal Stafford loans. Graduates are then responsible for that student loan. And in this stagnant economic climate of Obama-nomics, a beguiled graduate saddled with a silly BA in 'transgendered Hispanic poetry' or a worthless BS in 'urban environmental justice' may find it extremely difficult obtain decent employment in order to pay back that loan obligation (nope. bankruptcy is not an option).

So, how does this insular academic farce come to fruition? Michael Barone at the Washington Examiner explains:
"But many university administrators have other priorities. The University of California system has been raising tuitions and cutting departments. But, reports John Leo in the invaluable Minding the Campus blog, its San Diego campus found the money to create a new post of "vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion."

That's in addition to what the Manhattan Institute's Heather Mac Donald calls its "already massive diversity apparatus." It takes Mac Donald 103 words just to list the titles of UCSD's diversitycrats.

The money for the new vice chancellorship could have supported two of the three cancer researchers that the campus lost to Rice University in Houston, a private school that apparently takes the strange view that hard science is more important than diversity facilitators.

This doesn't just happen on the Left Coast. The University of North Carolina at Wilmington saved some money by lumping together two science departments and raised spending on its five diversity-multicultural offices.

But, to quote George W. Bush, is our students learning? Not very much, concludes the California Association of Scholars in its 87-page study of the University of California system."
In short, these students are forced to pay for the privilege of prostrating themselves before the left turn only, demi-gods of Relativism and PC, but graduate these alters of indoctrination only slightly more possessed with practical 21st knowledge than the average fence post.

Maybe Rick Santorum's aim was true, after all.


Friday, April 06, 2012

Friday Night Hoop-la

Oh Happy Day! by the Edwin Hawkins Singers (one of the finest versions ever recorded IMHO).

Sunday, April 01, 2012

He Is Risen! Handel's Hallelujah Chorus

(this is a repost)

I've long said that Easter is far more important to the Christian than the now indulgent holiday of Christmas. After all, if Christ never rose from the dead, there would be no Gospel to preach.

Handel's Hallelujah Chorus is more fitting for Easter, IMHO.

The Apostles’ Creed: (from approx. 140 A.D. )
“I believe in God the Father Almighty. And in Jesus Christ His only (begotten) Son our Lord, who was born of the Holy Ghost and the Virgin Mary; crucified under Pontius Pilate, and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. And in the Holy Ghost; the holy Church; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and life everlasting.”

Happy Palm Sunday!

(why aren't you in church?)

Archeologists Find Obituary for Jesus of Nazareth

Of course it's not a photoshop...