All over again. From the NYTimes:
The British Consulate in 2005. The Mexican Consulate last year. And on Thursday, the Times Square military recruiting station. Three bombings with similar devices at three high-profile locations in Manhattan, each occurring at nearly the same time of day, in the predawn hours; each inflicting little damage; none injuring people.
And in each case, someone — most likely a man — seen pedaling away on a bicycle with a hooded jacket or sweatshirt hiding his face.
These are the similarities that police detectives and federal agents are exploring as they investigate whether these blasts, so seemingly similar, were the work of the same person or group, and what the motive was.

Apparently, this sort of violent action is fermenting for the upcoming democratic convention if the eagerly anticipated coronation of the obamanator is impotent. I predict 1968 would pale by comparison, and judging from the wack job's latest woody chorus of 'eff AmeriKKKa', 'we did it' & 'bringing the war home', these mirmydons are disturbingly motivated inflict maxium damage.
But that's par for the tantric, far left wack jobs who demands 'change' (diaper, or otherwise). History tells the tale, and MM has an excellent outline of the violent tantrums of these adolescent pinko mirmydons through the years.

~January 20, 2005. At Seattle Central Community College, Army recruiters assaulted. The college administration refused to punish the mobsters.~~~~~~~~~~~it goes on and on and on....
~Jan. 31, 2005. Manhattan recruiter's office door kicked in and anarchist symbols were scrawled in red paint on the building.
~Feb. 1, 2005. At a South Toledo, Ohio recruitment center, unhinged protesters hurled manure all over the building. They broke windows and sprayed vulgar grafitti — “War is Shit” — on office property.
~Mid-Feb. 2005. 20-year-old anti-war goon Brendan Walsh is sentenced to five years in federal prison for hurling a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Vestal, NY military recruitment office in 2003.
~March 2005. In East Orange, NJ, young anti-military protesters shattered the windows of an Army recruitment station and a neighboring Navy office.
~March/April 2005. Anti-war extremists at the Bronx Community College in NY shut down several military recruitment sessions.
~May 2005. SF Bay Area students brought a career fair at San Francisco State University to a standstill over the presence of military recruiters.
~April 2006. The infamous UC Santa Cruz ambush on military recruiters takes place. The thugs gloated about throwing a rock at the recruiters’ SUV. One employee at the career center was injured in the melee.
They don't support the troops. I do question their patriotism. And why are 'peace activists' so violent?