Videos WhatFinger

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Not One World...

300 Afghan Women Assaulted for Protesting 'Sex on Demand Marriage Law'.

"Women's rights activists scheduled a protest Wednesday attended by mostly young women. But the group was swamped by counter-protesters — both men and women — who shouted down the women's chants.

Some picked up gravel and stones and threw them at the women, while others shouted "Death to the slaves of the Christians!" Female police held hands around the group to create a protective barrier."

Islam "insulted" by alleged child killer's mug shot.
An Illinois woman is accused of beating her two y.o. toddler to death, and her husband is upset - that she wasn't allowed to wear her hijab (head covering) for her mug shot.

Taliban Publicly Execute Two Young Lovers Trying to Elope.
The young lovers were executed for 'immoral acts', which are somehow less honorable than the immorality of murder.

The 'small minority' religion of peace strikes again?

Sudan's jihadist, genocidal president hails Obama's overtures to the Islamic world.
"Bashir's comments came after a visit to Sudan this month by Obama's special envoy to the country, Scott Gration, who met officials from the government, rebel groups and international organizations, promising to "look, learn and listen."

Learn what? That more than 200,000 Black Africans have been murdered under this tyrant's brutal regime?

Race pimp Sharpton, the CBC, the NAACP, et al, are strangely silent and prefer to waste resources on impotent straw men.