Videos WhatFinger

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Celebs, Bankers, CEOs & 'Thought Leaders' Take 1,500 Private Jets To Davos, Switzerland for 'Climate Change' Gathering

That's 200 more jets than last year. I guess 'car pooling' is for little people.

From Emily Zanotti at Daily Wire: "According to's handy "carbon footprint" calcuator, a single-passenger jet traveling from New York's JFK airport to Zurich, round trip, emits around 7 metric tons of carbon — nearly as much as a single American household emits in an entire year. The same round trip flight from Heathrow Airport in London, 1 ton. From Rio de Janerio, it's 10 tons — more than any individual in Europe emits over the course of a year, with potential commercial air travel."

Not to worry. Al Gore was in attendance, so the wealthy & famous received guilt-free carbon indulgences from their high priest.This isn't a one-off, either. What were once vices are now habits as news reports from 2015 & 2016 demonstrate. And there's more than a few private jet charter companies advertising their services for this annual event in Switzerland.

Good grief. When these hypocrites, liars, and wanna-be tyrants start acting like global warming is a crisis, then g*d**mmit, I'll start thinking it's a crisis.